Hero in our Midst – Luther McIlwain, Tuskegee Airman, Part 2 – Valley Patriot of the Month

(READ PART 1) By: Ted Tripp – May, 2006 METHUEN – As 85-year-old Luther McIlwain slowly walks around the kitchen table in his Pleasant Valley home, it is obvious that this Tuskegee Airman has a lot more story to tell about his military experience during World War II. Each little parcel of information he shares […]

Yes, America is Ready to see Flight 93

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL May, 2006 On September 11, 2001, the passengers of United Flight 93 overpowered a handful of terrorists and prevented another catastrophe from taking place that day. Now, Hollywood has made a movie depicting the heroism of the passengers on that ill-fated flight, yet some people are using the excuse that “America isn’t […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   April, 2006 Last week a few hundred illegal aliens and their collaborators held an illegal protest on the streets of Lawrence. What exactly were they protesting? They were protesting America’s laws, which requires that they go through a legal process before entering the United States. But it wasn’t just in Lawrence. […]

Hero in Our Midst – Ed Mitchell – Valley Patriot of the Month, March, 2006

By: Ted Tripp – March, 2006 NORTH ANDOVER- An electrical short circuit had forced early termination of the dive of the Navy’s Deep Submergence Research Vehicle, Turtle. As the Turtle returned to its support ship and was loaded on board, the electrical problem turned into a raging fire that threatened the sub, the support ship […]

Freedom Deserves More Than Lip Service

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  March, 2006 The people of the Arab world declared war on freedom and all who defend it when they committed violence around the globe in response to political cartoons depicting their prophet Muhammad. Some even in a flattering light.  They now believe that Islamic law, always reserved exclusively for those who follow […]


 On March 2, 2006, Judge Peter C. Digangi issued a temporary restraining order denying Kevin Thompson his first amendment rights to distribute or discuss his recently released book titled, “Exposing the Corruption in the Massachusetts Family Courts.”  A hearing on this matter is scheduled for Friday, March 10, 2006, at 8:30 AM in Salem Probate […]

Assumptions & Intimidations

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   February, 2006 The owners and editors of The Valley Patriot signed the marriage petition to allow the voters of Massachusetts to vote on whether or not marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman. Decisions of this import and scope, impacting traditions that have stood for thousands of […]

Terrorism & The Seditious Media

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   January, 2006 You don’t have to look any further than the 24-hour cable news channels or the pages of once-respected newspapers in the United States to find Usama bin Laden’s greatest ally in his quest to destroy America.  American journalists are so obsessed with reporting bad news about Iraq and “revealing” […]

Let’s Encourage MORE Illegal Aliens

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL    November, 2005 Some Massachusetts legislators are always seeking newer and better ways to mug the Massachusetts taxpayers. The ongoing effort to allow the children of illegal aliens to attend state colleges at the same cost as legal residents, rather than at the higher out-of-state rate, is another example of flouting the […]

What the Numbers Really Mean

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   October, 2005 Last month, the City of Lawrence held a preliminary municipal election for mayor, school committee and city council. Less than 20% of the 32,000 registered voters bothered to participate. With more than 70,000 people living in the city of Lawrence that means less than 9% of the population bothered […]

No More Excuses for Gaza

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL September, 2005 Amid much dissention and psychological trauma, Israel has withdrawn all Israeli settlers from Gaza. Regardless of debates concerning who lived in Gaza first, or who should be entitled to live there now, or whether withdrawal will reward the terrorists, Israel has chosen to pull out. Right, wrong or otherwise, Gaza […]

Canceling Primaries Protects Incumbents

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   August, 2005 You cannot put a price on democracy. Yet, the city of Methuen recently tried to cancel their preliminary election, officials said, because too few candidates took out nomination papers. Why have a preliminary election, they asked, and spend thousands of tax dollars when most races for mayor, school committee and city council are uncontested? […]

First Flags Then Books

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   July, 2005 In honor of the 4th of July and the birth of this great nation, we wave the American Flag high. We salute the flag and support the freedoms it stands for. It has been the practice of The Valley Patriot to honor our veterans each month with a feature […]