My Fellow Talking Animals

  By: Paul Murano – May, 2010 My Fellow Talking Animals . . . I am increasingly confronted with signs that remind me we have crossed the Rubicon, the threshold of sanity, and our only collective hope is a deep conversion of mind and heart. Every semester I take an informal poll in my college […]

We support south Park… Horrified by Comedy Central Censorship

Will our president protect our rights here at home? VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – MAY, 2010   Last month, Muslim terrorists headquartered in New York City made death threats against the creators of Comedy Central’s cartoon, “South Park”. The threats came in response to an episode where Muslims were made fun of for threatening death upon […]

I was Just Thinking

   By: Paul Murano – April, 2010 …When exactly did the era of the store clerk asking if we want a bag begin? …Don’t we have enough choices in life without having to decide bag or no bag? …Will someone please settle whether tipping should be 15 or 20 percent? …If the new health care […]

Are we out of the Woods yet?

  By: Paul Murano – March, 2010 There have been two opposite reactions in the aftermath of Tiger Woods’ public apology, and each is an inappropriate extreme. One illustrates the fatal flaw of capitalism, the other of secularism. The first was the media blitz we were inundated with for a week, with everyone and his […]

Get your Sex on!

Stay At Home Dads By: Pete Baylies – February, 2010   Another source of tension for at-home dads and their working partners is lack of intimacy. While you may have thought that with the new arrangement there would be less craziness in your lives, it can still be exhausting for both of you. This on […]

The Holidays in North Andover, Massachusetts

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   December, 2009 One of the reasons the entire Valley Patriot editorial board loves living in North Andover is because the town has never bowed down to political correctness. We’d drive by the common during the holidays and enjoy seeing a Jewish menorah and Christmas tree. We also enjoyed passing the “Merry […]

City Approves Sal Lupoli’s $100 Million Retail Development on Merrimack Street

City Approves Sal Lupoli’s $100 Million Retail Development on Merrimack Street

Slated to Bring 2,000 New Jobs to Lawrence   By: Tom Duggan  February 2, 2009  The Lawrence Historical Commission voted Tuesday evening to approve the demolition of two buildings on Merrimack Street in Lawrence owned by Sal Lupol of Salvatore’s Restaurant, at Sal’s Riverwalk Properties, making way for a multi-million dollar development at the site […]

North Andover Family caught in Mumbai, India terrorist attacks

North Andover Family caught in Mumbai, India terrorist attacks

North Andover woman recounts how she and her family became caught up in India’s terrorist attack By: Erin Mary Ackerman – January, 2009 Editors note: The following is a first hand account of North Andover resident Erin Mary Ackerman (and her family) who went to Mumbai, India last month just as the terrorist attack began […]

WCAP RADIO/980AM expands to Lawrence, Methuen & Haverhill

WCAP RADIO/980AM expands to Lawrence, Methuen & Haverhill

    By: Tom Duggan – December 2007   WCAP radio (980/AM) may be located in downtown Lowell, but Colonel Sam Poulten and Clark Smidt say they are expanding the Lowell-based news and talk programming on the station to include Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill “and everywhere in between,” says Smidt who took over the station with […]

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

PAYING ATTENTION! With TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – November, 2006 BACKGROUND….. Upon learning that Deval Patrick had fought to free admitted cop killer Carl Roy Songer, I, like many of you, was outraged that this man was a finalist for the top seat at the State House in Massachusetts. Songer pumped five bullets into Florida State Trooper Ronald Smith […]