Is It Wrong to Want to Protect Western Civilization and the Interests of White People? ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE

Is It Wrong to Want to Protect  Western Civilization and the Interests of White People?  ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE

By: Paul Murano – Sept. 2016 It’s a provocative question in today’s cultural climate, but for those familiar with this column and my radio show, you know that going beneath the surface means abandoning all intimidation to political correctness. In today’s highly sensitized world where many are hiding from themselves and the light that could […]

The Arab World Has an Empathy Problem ~ FROM ISRAEL TO THE VALLEY PATRIOT

The Arab World Has  an Empathy Problem ~ FROM ISRAEL TO THE VALLEY PATRIOT

By: Forest Rain – August, 2016 Yes. I said it. Don’t jump on me, hear me out. This is not about being derogatory to an entire culture, this is about a little discussed but very dangerous trend that is effecting the entire world. Yes. This is a generalization. Again – this is NOT about individuals, […]

Paula’s Journey for Hope, A Methuen Woman’s Story

Paula’s Journey for Hope, A Methuen Woman’s Story

The family and friends of Paula Stamoulis Corey are uniting to raise money to help Paula get diagnostic care and treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. Paula was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, an autoimmune disease that can damage any part of the body (skin, joints, and/or organs inside the body.) Paula has numerous […]

Pornography – A Public Health Crisis? ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE WITH PAUL MURANO

Pornography – A Public Health Crisis? ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE WITH PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano, Aug. 2016 When I was growing up I saw Democrats and Republicans switch values on the important cultural issues defining what it means to be human. Democrats were pro-life and supported natural marriage while Republicans were liberal on cultural issues. This changed when Rockefeller Republicanism evolved into Reaganism, and secular humanism was […]

The Third Way

The Third Way

By: Paul Murano – July, 2016 The more I live the more I come to realize how difficult it is for most people to distinguish between actions and the people who perform them – to judge behaviors but not persons.It is very common to hate those who do evil and love those who do good. […]

How to Interpret the Constitution… and the Bible ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE WITH PAUL MURANO

How to Interpret the  Constitution… and the Bible ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE WITH PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – April, 21016 As the debate heats up about whether President Obama has a right to replace late Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia before his term ends in January, it is important to consider where the ideological divide lies on how to interpret the Constitution. It is no coincidence that this disagreement […]

So you Think You’re Pro-life? Think Again ~ Beneath the Surface with Paul Murano

So you Think You’re  Pro-life? Think Again ~ Beneath the Surface with Paul Murano

By: Paul Murano – March. 2016 One presidential candidate the other day was accused of being too pro-life. Is that possible? Can a person value human life too much? If you’ve read this column in the past or have heard the Cheap inflatable water slides Beneath the Surface radio show, you know that I value […]

Senator L’Italien Talks About Her Trip to Israel, Pt. I

Senator L’Italien Talks About Her Trip to Israel, Pt. I

By: Tom Duggan – March, 2016 Massachusetts State Senator Barbara L’Italien was recently criticized in the daily paper for taking a trip to Israel. Anti-Semitic groups from the Boston area protested her trip. We wanted to give Senator L’Italien the opportunity to talk about her trip and the controversy. In part 1 of our discussion, Senator […]



By: Paul Murano – 1-11-16 Since I now live in NH, I thought I’d take advantage of seeing the presidential candidates up close and personal this political cycle.  There are two ways I judge candidates: 1) who I think would be best for the country, and 2) who I think has the best chance of […]

The 22nd Annual Festival of Trees 2015 – Another Methuen Success Story!

The 22nd Annual Festival of Trees 2015 – Another Methuen Success Story!

  By: Jen Jones – December, 2015 The Festival of Trees does it again! Year after year, hundreds of uniquely decorated festive holiday trees and wreaths are on display, as well as many wonderful auction items; each one better than the last. If you have not been to the Festival of Trees, you should rethink […]

The Media’s Obsession with Tim Tebow’s Sex Life ~BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

The Media’s Obsession with Tim Tebow’s Sex Life ~BENEATH THE SURFACE with PAUL MURANO

By: Paul Murano – Dec., 2015 The press has been having a lot of fun at the expense of Tim Tebow lately. It was reported that the quarterback’s girlfriend, a former Miss USA, dumped him because he insisted on no premarital sex. TMZ later claimed the story may have been untrue and that they never […]

Peace on Earth ~ TEEN TALK with ANA DEBERNARDO

Peace on Earth ~ TEEN TALK with ANA DEBERNARDO

By: Ana DeBernardo – December, 2015 The sound of vehicles honking their horns at jaywalkers jolts me from my sleep. The smell of exhaust already suffocates me, barely letting me catch my first breath of the morning. It’s another frigid day in December, and I don’t have a coat or socks, or even shoes without holes. […]

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