Sal Lupoli of Sal’s Riverwalk announces workforce training grant

Sal Lupoli of Sal’s Riverwalk announces workforce training grant

  By: Tom Duggan – April, 2008   Lawrence/Boston, MA – Sal Lupoli, President/CEO of Sal’s Pizza Retail and Wholesale Divisions, Salvatore’s Restaurants and Riverwalk Properties is proud to announce that Governor Patrick awarded Double N. Inc., a subsidiary of Lupoli Companies a Workforce Training Grant of $162,050 to train 213 workers in Lean Manufacturing […]

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Announces $11 MIL Workers’ Compensation Rate Cut for Employers

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Announces $11 MIL Workers’ Compensation Rate Cut for Employers

     By: Tom Duggan – April, 2008 BOSTON – Thursday, April 17, 2008 – The Patrick Administration today announced an agreement in the 2008 workers’ compensation rate setting proceeding that will save Massachusetts businesses $11 million. The new rates average to a 1.0% reduction per employer and mark the ninth time rates have decreased […]

Democracy in Pakistan

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL    December, 2007 There is a rush to judgment by the media and our government, both Democrats and Republicans, reacting to Pakistan’s Pervez Musharraf’s declaration of emergency and suspension of their constitution. Everyone now waving the flag of democracy says this is the anti-democratic conduct of a dictator, and should be stopped […]

Erroneous Eagle~Tribune story costs Monarch $40M

Erroneous Eagle~Tribune story costs Monarch $40M

  An exclusive interview with Bob Ansin. By: Tom Duggan – October, 2007 Earlier this month, several erroneous Eagle-Tribune stories alleged that Robert Ansin, CEO of sustainable development company MassInnovation, was running out of funds and that asbestos was found inside the Monarch on the Merrimack building. On Sunday, September 16, the Eagle-Tribune ran a […]

Eagle~Tribune Hit Piece Costs Ansin $40 Million – Part II

Eagle~Tribune Hit Piece Costs Ansin $40 Million – Part II

Ansin Offers Condo Buyers a Refund  Most Refuse & Stick with Monarch Project In the face of adversity, developer’s commitment to sustainable business practices goes beyond environmental concerns By: Tom Duggan (09/21/07)  LAWRENCE, MA – The Eagle~Tribune’s bogus hit piece (story here) on sustainable developer Bob Ansin’s $200 million “Monarch on the Merrimack” project (Valley Patriot […]

Bank Pulls Funding on Monarch After Bogus Asbestos Story Appears in Tribune

Bank Pulls Funding on Monarch After Bogus Asbestos Story Appears in Tribune

Eagle~Tribune Hit Piece Costs Ansin $40 Million PART 1   WEB EXTRA   By: Tom Duggan  (09/20/07)  An Exclusive Interview with Bob Ansin (Part 1)  Sustainable developer Bob Ansin has pumped $25 million dollars of his own money into the Monarch on the Merrimack project (MIRACLE ON MERRIMACK ST) to revitalize the old Wood Mill on […]

The Valley Patriot Hits a Milestone!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL 10/03/06 While most businesses in the United States fail within their first year, The Valley Patriot seems to have been a success from our very first edition. In March of 2004, The Valley Patriot published our very first edition and most people were predicting our failure within six months. We printed up […]

Fix the Lawrence Fountain NOW!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   September, 2006 For years the people of Lawrence and visitors to the city have enjoyed the majesty of a giant fountain at the corner of South Union St. and Winthrop Avenue. And for years the DPW has neglected to adequately fix up that fountain when it fell into disrepair.  Now DPW […]

Trash Talk in North Andover

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   July, 2006 Fool us once, shame on you! Fool us twice, shame on us!  Try to fool us every year – what do you think we are, stupid? Every year the school-spending crowd predicts disaster if taxes or fees are not increased. Cancel AP classes, no art or music, 30 teachers […]

Racism and Targeting in Lawrence – Commissioner Roger Twomey Answers Allegations

Racism and Targeting in Lawrence – Commissioner  Roger Twomey Answers Allegations

“I believe that the only way Willie Lantigua can get political power is to control people who truly don’t know what is going on. He constantly stirs the pot of hate for his own political maneuvering. He doesn’t really seem to care who he hurts in the process, either.” ~Lawrence Licensing Commissioner Roger Twomey. By: […]

Haverhill’s Future

By: Jim Rurak, Former Mayor of Haverhill January, 2005  Haverhill’s history seesaws between big plans to promote its urban economy and extaordinary commitments to preserve its rural assets.  Unlike Lowell and Lawrence whose land area is completely built up, Haverhill’s urban core makes up only a fraction of its total area. The rest is made up of […]