Former North Andover’s Acting Superintendent Gave Himself Illegal Raise of $4,484 Raise

VALLEY PATRIOT EXCLUSIVE!   By: Tom Duggan – January, 2008   The North Andover School Committee is suing their former acting Superintendent Richard Bergeron for illegally giving himself a $4,484.34 raise without school committee approval.  A complaint filed in Lawrence District Court claims that Bergeron ordered a payroll clerk to put the additional money in […]

Stokes Arraigned in US District Court in Boston Charged with forging Military Discharge Papers

Says he will not resign from Lawrence School Committee     by Tom Duggan, posted 1/9/08 BOSTON, – January 9, 2008 – Elected Lawrence School Committeeman James Stokes was arraigned in Federal Court in Boston today after being arrested at Top Donut on Winthrop Avenue by Lawrence Police and Federal Agents.  Lawrence Police took Stokes […]

City settles lawsuit for $610,000 over computer porn

City settles lawsuit for $610,000 over computer porn

City Clerk’s Internet Porn, Harassment Cost City Thousands By: Tom Duggan – January, 2008 Lawrence’s former assistant city clerk, Jennifer Padellaro, settled her workers’ compensation claims as well as her federal lawsuit against the City of Lawrence last month for $610,000. A settlement conference (called a lump sum conference) took place at the Industrial Accident […]

Lawrence Fire Department receives grant to network emergency communications throughout state

Lawrence Fire Department receives grant to network  emergency communications throughout state

  Tom Duggan – December, 2007   In 1995, a devastating fire ripped through the Malden Mills factory on Broadway in Methuen. Firefighters and police officers responded to the emergency from allover the Commonwealth.  As the out-of-town public safety officials began to arrive at the scene, chaos ensued as it became nearly impossible to coordinate […]

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Thanks Police

Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick Thanks Police

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   November, 2007  Governor Deval Patrick recently stirred up controversy when he stated on a Boston radio program that he is interested in getting rid of police details on state and local construction sites and replacing them with civilian flagmen.  If Governor Patrick were to issue an executive order, then only state […]

Spanish Newspaper Siglo21 Misleading Latinos

Spanish Newspaper Siglo21 Misleading Latinos

PAYING ATTENTION! with Tom Duggan   By: Tom Duggan -Monday, May 7, 2007 Last week Siglo 21, (a partially bilingual newspaper) printed the following paragraphs about the ACLU and our website posting about the meeting: (Siglo21) “Tommy Duggan, the director of The Valley Patriot, the only member of the Anglo-American press present at the gathering […]

Criminals and Cop Haters “Educate” the ACLU

How People Hear What They Want to Hear  Paying Attention! With Tom Duggan By Tom Duggan – May, 2007 Last month the ACLU came to Lawrence for a meeting with citizens who had a beef with the Lawrence police. Packed in the large function room at “Casa Dominicana” on Essex St. were criminals, malcontents, racists […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: Lawrence Cabbie is no Criminal

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL February – 2007  Here we go again in Lawrence where the victim is arrested and treated like the criminal, instead of focusing on the real criminals.  Last year, hero Marine Dan Cotnoir was arrested and charged with attempted murder for defending himself and his family when kids outside his apartment on Broadway […]

Methuen’s Police Chief Joe Solomon Speaks Out

Methuen’s Police Chief Joe Solomon Speaks Out

Defends Grant Spending, Says Eagle~Tribune Attacks on Him and Dept. Motivated by “Racism Against Arab-Americans”      By: Tom Duggan – February, 2007 Methuen Police Chief Joe Solomon said in an exclusive interview with The Valley Patriot this week that federal grant money from the Department of Justice for thecity’s Weed & Seed program was spent legally […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

December, 2006  Last month, Methuen city councilors tried to inject themselves into the so-called controversy between Police Chief Joe Solomon and the officers and union members under his command.  What’s more, they tried to subvert the Methuen City Charter by interfering with Mayor Bill Manzi’s clearly defined duties as the chief executive officer of the […]