Chester’s Coup d’etat

Chester’s Coup d’etat

  By: Peter Larocque – January, 2012 As of the time this article went to print, The Massachusetts Commissioner of Elementary and Secondary Education, Mr. Mitchell Chester held meetings with the Lawrence Teacher’s Union, Lawrence Parents and Community members, and finally with the Lawrence Public School Personnel. His message to all is that he is […]

There is no Government Santa Claus

There is no Government Santa Claus

  By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December, 2011 There is a school of thought among psychiatrists that liberals suffer from a severe case of arrested development. The theory is that their parents routinely rewarded their temper tantrums by giving them whatever they demanded. Anything to make them shut up. I can certainly sympathize with their […]



UNBECOMING! 12-07-11 Over the years, embattled School Committee Chairman Chris Allen has worked very hard to help the public school children of North Andover get a better education. But, Allen’s behavior of late has overshadowed much of the good her efforts might have accomplished. First, Allen was engaged in using school department resources (and employees) […]

Superintendent Hottel Tries to Charge $7,099 for Public Documents

Superintendent Hottel Tries to Charge  $7,099 for Public Documents

December, 2012 North Andover School Superintendent Christopher Hottel handed The Valley Patriot a bill for $7,099 to fill a freedom of information request last month. The Valley Patriot had requested copies of all emails, sent and received by members of the school committee and the superintendent covering a 30 day period just prior to and […]

Valley Patriot On-line Breaks Castricone Story, Allens Attack Selectman

Valley Patriot On-line Breaks Castricone Story, Allens Attack Selectman

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – December, 2011 Last month, The Valley Patriot received several calls from North Andover residents saying that they had seen former high school wrestling coach Dave Castricone coming and going from School Committee Chair Chris Allen’s Belmont St. home. Others called to report that the Allens […]

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

Speaker Gingrich talks about The Border, EPA, Education and More   Tom Duggan, Christine Morabito, Justess Bowles November, 2011 The Valley Patriot was invited to sit with Former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Valley Patriot President Tom Duggan, Tea Party Columnist Christine Morabito and College student Justess Bowles sat with Speaker […]

North Andover School Chairman’s e-mail Touches Off Firestorm

VALLEY PATRIOT EXCLUSIVE!! Tom Duggan – Valley Patriot Publisher NORTH ANDOVER – School Committee Chairman Chris Allen thinks that the Merrimack Valley Tea Party and town activist Ted Tripp are “small minded” for opposing the proposed meals tax on the town meeting warrant last week. She also believes, or at least says she believes, that […]

Parents of Public School Children Beware!

Parents of Public School Children Beware!

Trasnformative Education – A Looming Disaster THINKING OUTSIDE the BOX! By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – October 2011 A Vision for                  Transformative Education (Taken from TransformEdu.Org Conference Proceedings) “These perceptions together form a vision of transformative education that is consolidated into the following interwoven aspects”: • Transformation is […]

An Interview with Presidential Candidate Thaddeus McCotter

An Interview with Presidential Candidate Thaddeus McCotter

Valley Patriot President Tom Duggan and Tea Party Columnist (and activist) Christine Morabito sat down with Congressman Thaddeus McCotter (R) Michigan, in Concord, NH last month for a one on one interview about his campaign for president.     Tom: What is it like running for president? McCotter: It’s great. But it’s a little frustrating […]

School Year in Dracut Begins with Changes

  By: Dracut Selectman, Cathy Richards – September, 2011 The back to school shopping, reviewing of school supplies lists and bus schedules, and creating new lunch ideas has begun. Sports programs are already underway. In Dracut there are changes worth noting that should benefit the children in the public schools. The first change is the […]

Top 40 – Taxpayer Supported Earners

Top 40 – Taxpayer  Supported  Earners

  By: Lawrence “Lonnie” Brennan -September, 2011 As we head into an important fiscal year, with the first of what has been promised to be several tax-overrides recently approved, we note that we’re a bit behind in posting taxpayer expenditures. Specifically, the top 40 taxpayer supported earners of 2010. (The Valley Patriot had previously posted […]

Apple CEO, Jobs Resigns. Will Things Change Apple?

Apple CEO, Jobs Resigns. Will Things Change Apple?

    By: Nate Richards, North Andover High School – September, 2011 Apple’s executive, Steve Jobs who almost single handedly changed the way people consumed music, internet, and T.V, announced his resignation. Jobs, who has been suffering from Pancreatic Cancer for a little over three years now, sent a letter to the company’s board late […]

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