Saving Supermom

By: Cheryl Hajjar – October 2013 Having it all. That quintessential line brought on by the feminist movement that has been driven in every young girl’s mind including myself over the last 25 years. Lucky us. In today’s world, there are many more opportunities for women than ever before in history and we as women […]

Mayor Fiorentini and the Board of Health Remove Ban for Outdoor Activities for Schools and Recreation due to Cold Weather

  HAVERHILL- After careful assessment with the Board of Health, Mayor James J. Fiorentini with the recommendation of the Board of Health has removed the outdoor activities ban due to cold weather. At this time of year, the evening temperatures drop below 50 degrees and mosquitos are less active, die or hibernate for the winter. […]

DiZoglio Kicks Off Merrimack Valley Civic Education Tour at Haverhill Hunking School

October, 2013 (MERRIMACK VALLEY) – As part of her initiative to engage and educate students across the Merrimack Valley about the democratic process, State Rep. Diana DiZoglio (D-Methuen) visited Haverhill’s Hunking Middle School on Friday, October 4, marking her first stop on a Civic Education Tour. Invited to the event, held in the school’s gymnasium, […]

Responding to the Overuse of Psychotropic Drugs for Seniors

By: State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives, September, 2013 In 2007 a federal audit found that about one in seven elderly residents were being given antipsychotic medication in nursing homes despite the fact that those drugs carry a “black box” warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A “black box” warning is designed to call […]

Friendly’s CEO on Hand for Haverhill Reopening

By Tom Duggan – September, 2013 Last month, Friendly’s Corporation CEO John Maguire was on hand at the Friendly’s on Main Street in Haverhill for their grand re-opening. The restaurant originally opened its doors in 1983. Maguire told the Valley Patriot that the Haverhill restaurant is one of the first locations to be part of […]

Mayor Orders Mosquito Spraying in Haverhill due to Mosquitoes Testing Positive for WNV

Mayor Orders Mosquito Spraying in Haverhill due to Mosquitoes Testing Positive for WNV

HAVERHILL- Mayor James J. Fiorentini has ordered mosquito control spraying to occur overnight on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 3rd and 4th, from 9PM until midnight. The Department of Public Health has notified us that two mosquitoes have tested positive in Haverhill for West Nile virus. No human cases have been discovered and no cases of […]

59 Legislators Vote for Gas Tax Hike Have Taxpayers Pick Up Their Gas Tab!

Boston, MA: As taxpayers across the Commonwealth begin to feel the effects of new and higher taxes today, public records show that many of the legislators who voted to implement these higher taxes, such as the one on gasoline, are also benefiting from taxpayer funded reimbursements for when they travel to the Statehouse. Per diems […]

The Ongoing Fight Against Tax Increases

By: State Senator Kathleen Ives – August, 2013 There has been some misinformation in the press about the Legislature’s recent vote to override Governor Deval Patrick’s veto of the Transportation Finance Bill. Some outlets are reporting that by fighting against the Governor on this veto, the legislature chose to raise the gas tax by 3 […]

An Inside Look From State Rep. Diana DiZoglio

By: State Rep. Diana Dizoglio If there is one thing that I have learned during my first term representing you on Beacon Hill, it’s that things don’t always appear as they seem and that the legislative process can be a real head scratcher. Witness recently when Governor Deval Patrick vetoed a transportation bill that significantly […]

Crowdfunding For Cash

Crowdfunding For Cash

 Babies and Briefcases By: Cheryl Hajjar – August, 2013 Unless you have been living in a landfill or still have an analog TV in your home, you have heard of the term “crowdfunding” or stories of people raising thousands of dollars for their businesses or projects online. So what is this new rage and how […]

DiZoglio, Lyons Spar on Taxes – The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, August 3, 2013

DiZoglio, Lyons Spar on Taxes – The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, August 3, 2013

LISTEN TO HOUR ONE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) Russia takes a hard line on gays and the gay community is outraged…. but are we supposed to respect other people’s cultures? Who are WE to say that their culture is wrong and OUR culture is right? I mean that is what we have been told by […]

MassDEP Assesses $3,000 Penalty Against Haverhill Contractor for Asbestos Violations at Former Fitchburg Gas & Electric Site

MassDEP Assesses $3,000 Penalty Against Haverhill Contractor for Asbestos Violations at Former Fitchburg Gas & Electric Site

From MassDEP BOSTON – The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) has assessed a $3,000 penalty against Absolute Environmental Contractors, Inc. of Haverhill for the company’s failure to follow asbestos removal procedures required by MassDEP regulations at a job site in Fitchburg.  During an August 2012 inspection of the former Fitchburg Gas and Electric power […]

Legislative Spotlight – Brian S. Dempsey by Stephanie M. Davis

By: Stephanie M. Davis – July, 2013 The FY2014 budget ball now sits in Governor Deval Patrick’s court. Having been finalized and reported out of its legislative conference committee on June 30th, the governor has 10 days to approve or veto it either partially or entirely or to amend it in portions. A veto can […]

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