Devers: I would Fire Laboy! Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy Under Fire

By: Tom Duggan – September 2005   LAWRENCE – Lawrence School Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy is increasingly coming under fire by candidates for both mayor and school committee, as the city elections in November draw near. Embroiled in public scandal over the alleged assault on School Committeeman Amy McGovern, Laboy has become the subject of controversy […]

Laboy Endorses School Committeeman for City Council

Laboy Endorses School Committeeman for City Council

PAYING ATTENTION EXTRA Larger than expected crowd turns out for Jorge Gonzalez By: Tom Duggan – August 25, 2005 Lawrence School Committee member Jorge Gonzalez now enjoys the unique distinction of being the only candidate for any office in Lawrence to have been publicly endorsed by the Superintendent of Schools. Last Thursday Gonzalez, (who is in […]

The Lawrence City Council, When Privilege is Better Than Pay

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – August 25, 2005  Lawrence City Councilor Marie Gosselin is always complaining about the “measly $97 a week” she gets paid for being a City Councilor. And she is right, of course. Lawrence School Committee members and City Councilors should be paid more for the amount of […]

Canceling Primaries Protects Incumbents

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   August, 2005 You cannot put a price on democracy. Yet, the city of Methuen recently tried to cancel their preliminary election, officials said, because too few candidates took out nomination papers. Why have a preliminary election, they asked, and spend thousands of tax dollars when most races for mayor, school committee and city council are uncontested? […]

Hero in Our Midst – Jim Mulligan – Valley Pariot of the Month

By Dr. Charles Ormsby – August, 2005 Bound, blindfolded and badly injured, Captain Jim Mulligan was led through the angry crowd of Vietnamese peasants. They screamed in Vietnamese while striking him with sticks and pelting him with stones. He was then placed on a mound of freshly dug earth while a man made a loud and […]

Racism and Targeting in Lawrence – Commissioner Roger Twomey Answers Allegations

Racism and Targeting in Lawrence – Commissioner  Roger Twomey Answers Allegations

“I believe that the only way Willie Lantigua can get political power is to control people who truly don’t know what is going on. He constantly stirs the pot of hate for his own political maneuvering. He doesn’t really seem to care who he hurts in the process, either.” ~Lawrence Licensing Commissioner Roger Twomey. By: […]

State Rep. Willie Lantigua’s True Color: GREEN!

State Rep. Willie Lantigua’s True Color: GREEN!

  June, 2005 Lawrence State Representative Willie Lantigua has betrayed the Latino people of Lawrence. He has been playing a dangerous game of race baiting and making racial slurs for far too long, and it is about time someone called him to task for his shenanigans. Lantigua has deliberately misinformed his Dominican constituency about Licensing […]

Drug, Competency Testing Long Overdue

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL February, 2005 Why do we hire public employees? Is it to have them perform an important service that the public requires, or is it to provide the employees a guaranteed paycheck and great benefits? All too often, it seems that we are more concerned with providing employment than we are with ensuring […]

H Y P O C R I S Y!

H Y P O C R I S Y!

    By: Tom Duggan – February, 2005 LAWRENCE – After years of complaining about Lawrence residents not being considered for top positions at City Hall, City Councilors rejected lifelong Lawrence resident David Camasso by a vote of 5-4 to be the city’s new Comptroller.  Nearly two dozen city residents and community activists turned out […]

Drug, Competency Testing Long Overdue

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL January, 2005  The attitude is pervasive. When North Andover was considering a $4 million override several years ago, a Finance Committee member publicly stated, “Our number one objective is to NOT cut any jobs.” Really? We thought that public safety and education might come in first?  While that story is now old, […]

Firefighter Heroes – Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

January, 2005 Even if we accept that everything Judy Brito says is true, Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan is absolutely right when he says that most firefighters in the city of Lawrence are honest, decent, hard-working individuals. They are the men and women who go out and respond to the cries for help from innocent victims […]

Valley Patriot of the Month: Tech. Sergeant Jeremiah Sullivan ~ Hero in Our Midst

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January, 2005  A boyhood attraction to trains, electronic gadgets, and Morse code earned Jeremiah (Jerry) Sullivan a ticket to see Europe by air. Actually, it was numerous tickets; they were for a B-17, and the reception wasn’t very friendly. Jerry was born and grew up in Lawrence. He graduated from […]

The Best Bang for Your Buck?

The Best Bang for Your Buck?

  By: Lawrence City Council President, Patrick Blanchette – December 2004  Unfortunately the City of Lawrence is dealing with tough financial problems this year. When I was first elected to the Lawrence City Council (over five years ago,) the annual operating budget was roughly $170 million, with a contingency reserve account of $3 million. The […]