Valley Patriot Editorial: People Finally Prevail Over Cowardly Legislature

  January 01, 2007  In a surprise action, on January 2nd the Constitutional Convention of the Massachusetts Legislature actually voted to move forward a citizen petition to amend the state constitution on the definition of marriage. The constitution itself, in Article 48, requires the ConCon legislators to vote up or down on a citizen initiative […]

Lawrence City Council, Please! Just Shut Up and Vote!

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – December, 2006 The grandstanding, self praise and speech-making at Lawrence City Council meetings have got to stop!  Too often these meetings go on for hours with no end in sight because certain councilors have a deep personal need to speak on every single issue whether […]

HEROES IN OUR MIDST Chief Master Sgt. Michael Ingham U.S. Air Force

VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH   By: Ted Tripp – December, 2006 HAVERHILL – Next month Mike Ingham will retire after 33 years of service in the Air Force, both on active duty and in the reserves. His assignments have taken him all over the world: Germany, Italy, Spain, England, Alaska and Central America. Born […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

Valley Patriot Editorial: Methuen City Councilors Should Butt Out

December, 2006  Last month, Methuen city councilors tried to inject themselves into the so-called controversy between Police Chief Joe Solomon and the officers and union members under his command.  What’s more, they tried to subvert the Methuen City Charter by interfering with Mayor Bill Manzi’s clearly defined duties as the chief executive officer of the […]

Call it What it is: Jew Hatred

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL November, 2006  The anti-Semitic hate group “Wheels of Justice” was recruited to speak to the children of Andover High School by their equally anti-Semitic physics teacher, Ron Francis. And when the principal canceled the group’s visit because no opposing views were being represented, these so-called “peace activists” had to be escorted out […]

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

Just Admit it…. You Really Don’t Care!

PAYING ATTENTION! With TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – November, 2006 BACKGROUND….. Upon learning that Deval Patrick had fought to free admitted cop killer Carl Roy Songer, I, like many of you, was outraged that this man was a finalist for the top seat at the State House in Massachusetts. Songer pumped five bullets into Florida State Trooper Ronald Smith […]

Heroes in Our Midst – Corporal Frank Sanzi – Paratrooper Korean War

Heroes in Our Midst – Corporal Frank Sanzi – Paratrooper Korean War

By: Ted Tripp – November, 2006 NORTH ANDOVER – On June 25, 1950 the North Korean Army, bolstered by Soviet tanks and aircraft, invaded South Korea. Immediately, President Harry Truman ordered General Douglas MacArthur to transfer ammunition and supplies from Japan to the ROK (Republic of Korea) Army and provide limited air support. On June […]

The Valley Patriot Hits a Milestone!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL 10/03/06 While most businesses in the United States fail within their first year, The Valley Patriot seems to have been a success from our very first edition. In March of 2004, The Valley Patriot published our very first edition and most people were predicting our failure within six months. We printed up […]

Hero in Our Midst – Capt.Terrance Hart U.S. Coast Guard – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Ted Tripp – October, 2006 GEORGETOWN – Late on the night of December 26, 1970, in stormy seas 600 miles off Cape May, New Jersey, the aging 540-foot Finnish tanker Ragny broke in half without warning. An SOS went out and was relayed to the Coast Guard station in New York which immediately initiated […]

Hero in Our Midst, Part II, POW, Staff Sgt. Eldon Berthiaume, Infantryman

By: Ted Tripp – September, 2006 LAWRENCE – In early 1945, Pvt. Eldon Berthiaume of the Army’s 3rd Infantry Division was captured by the Germans in the small village of Utweiler, Germany. He and other Americans taken prisoner were force-marched deeper into Germany and, after a temporary stay at a transitional POW camp, ended up […]

Who Was Disingenuous?

September, 2006 At North Andover’s June 5th Annual Town meeting, the School Committee threatened to cut 23 classroom teachers if its budget was reduced from its original request to the “To Be Balanced” amount, despite an earlier presentation by members Ormsby, Kelly, and parent Diana Headrick showing that these cuts could be avoided by accepting […]

Fix the Lawrence Fountain NOW!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   September, 2006 For years the people of Lawrence and visitors to the city have enjoyed the majesty of a giant fountain at the corner of South Union St. and Winthrop Avenue. And for years the DPW has neglected to adequately fix up that fountain when it fell into disrepair.  Now DPW […]