Public School Drug Testing Should be Mandataory

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL FEBRUARY 2005 The 2003 Youth Risk Survey found that 1 in 6 Haverhill High School students (17%) are using hard drugs. In response, Haverhill School Committee member Scott Wood, Jr. has proposed drug testing students. As a 2001 Haverhill High graduate himself, Wood has been close enough to see the seriousness of the problem. He believes […]

Drug, Competency Testing Long Overdue

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL January, 2005  The attitude is pervasive. When North Andover was considering a $4 million override several years ago, a Finance Committee member publicly stated, “Our number one objective is to NOT cut any jobs.” Really? We thought that public safety and education might come in first?  While that story is now old, […]

Haverhill’s Future

By: Jim Rurak, Former Mayor of Haverhill January, 2005  Haverhill’s history seesaws between big plans to promote its urban economy and extaordinary commitments to preserve its rural assets.  Unlike Lowell and Lawrence whose land area is completely built up, Haverhill’s urban core makes up only a fraction of its total area. The rest is made up of […]

Firefighter Heroes – Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

January, 2005 Even if we accept that everything Judy Brito says is true, Lawrence Mayor Mike Sullivan is absolutely right when he says that most firefighters in the city of Lawrence are honest, decent, hard-working individuals. They are the men and women who go out and respond to the cries for help from innocent victims […]

It’s The Little Things That Count – SENIOR MOMENTS WITH JIM CASSIDY

Lisa Beamer was recently interviewed on Good Morning America. If you remember, she is the wife of Todd Beamer who said, “Let’s Roll!” and helped take down the plane that was heading for Washington, DC on that terrible morning of 9/11. She said it’s the little things that she misses most about Todd, such as […]

Valley Patriot of the Month: Tech. Sergeant Jeremiah Sullivan ~ Hero in Our Midst

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January, 2005  A boyhood attraction to trains, electronic gadgets, and Morse code earned Jeremiah (Jerry) Sullivan a ticket to see Europe by air. Actually, it was numerous tickets; they were for a B-17, and the reception wasn’t very friendly. Jerry was born and grew up in Lawrence. He graduated from […]

The Best Bang for Your Buck?

The Best Bang for Your Buck?

  By: Lawrence City Council President, Patrick Blanchette – December 2004  Unfortunately the City of Lawrence is dealing with tough financial problems this year. When I was first elected to the Lawrence City Council (over five years ago,) the annual operating budget was roughly $170 million, with a contingency reserve account of $3 million. The […]

Valley Patriot Kid Reporter, Hanna Interviews Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood

  By: Hanna -December, 2004 Valley Patriot kid reporter Hanna  interviews local celebrities and politicians each month. This month Hanna interviewed Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood.  What do you think about calculators in the elementary schools? Does Haverhill use them?  Haverhill does have them for their classrooms, However they are not used very often.  Do […]

Heroes and Bozos

  Kudos to Selectman Wendy Wakeman for defending free speech in North Andover. Wakeman supports an open door policy for political candidates who wish to campaign at the North Andover Senior Center.  A belated three cheers for The Town of Methuen Council on aging as well as the Councils on Aging in Lawrence and Haverhill […]

Your Property Taxes in Methuen

  By: Methuen City Council President, Billy Manzi – December, 2004 With Methuen’s City Council prepared to set a “tax rate” at the December 6th meeting, it was an opportune time to discuss the process, tax classification, and general budgetary matters. While the Mayor’s recommendations were not yet available at press time, Methuen’s budget does […]