Widening Disease Definitions ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Widening Disease  Definitions ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

By: Dr. Pierre Ghassibi Greetings, This topic o widening disease definitions is dear to me, but it may generate some objections, more so from companies that make money from selling us medications and supplements, but also from doctors and nurses who have been brainwashed by these companies. Yet, the ideas are not only mine. Let […]

Chemicals Everywhere ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN

Chemicals Everywhere ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN

By: Pierre Ghassibi 10-23 I do not know why we do not talk more about the effect on our health of the chemicals that surround us every day. Many of us are turning vegan because we know about the cruelty to animals in our slaughterhouses, because animal farming has a worse effect on pollution and […]

Disagreements ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Disagreements ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

By: Dr. Pierre Ghassibi Greetings everyone. Emotional illness is as important as physical disease. I hope this article will resonate with many of us. I want to look at wars. We have wars between nations and civil wars between citizens of the same country. Burns, amputations, families dismembered, economies destroyed, are the results. These are […]



5-23 Obesity disturbs the hormonal system of the body. Hormones go everywhere and therefore the effect is everywhere. We see more: Depression, clumsiness, migraines, diabetes, high BP, higher cholesterol and triglycerides, increased risk of cancers, acid reflux, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, irregular periods, decreased fertility, different skin rashes, asthma, retinal detachment, prostate issues, kidney stones, ED, […]

Dealing with Obesity ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Dealing with Obesity  ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

By: Pierre Ghassibi Greetings. Obesity disturbs the hormonal system of the body. Hormones go everywhere and therefore the effect is everywhere. We see mor : Depression, clumsiness, migraines, diabetes, high BP, higher cholesterol and triglycerides, increased risk of cancers, acid reflux, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, irregular periods, decreased fertility, different skin rashes, asthma, retinal detachment, prostate […]

Allopathic vs. Holistic Medicine ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Allopathic vs. Holistic Medicine ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

By: Pierre Ghassibi – 01-23 Greetings everybody. Many patients these days are attracted to Integrative Medicine, Eastern Medicine, and other alternatives to Western Medicine. Western Medicine is called Allopathic Medicine. Osteopathic Medicine is very similar now to Allopathic Medicine. Allopathic and Osteopathic are based on results of scientific empirical studies that are subjected to rigorous […]

Where is the Proof? Give Me Facts ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Where is the Proof?  Give Me Facts ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

By: Dr.  Ghassibi – 11/22 Greetings everyone, I have examined and studied Hypnosis, Mindful and Transcendental Meditation and questioned people on Enlightenment. It sounded to me that these pleasant human endeavors are not what I thought they were. I used to think that these were techniques that lead to mystical and almost supernatural states. After […]

Weak Bones, Weak Joints Weak Body ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Weak Bones, Weak Joints Weak Body ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Ny. Dr. Pipere Ghassibi Our bones, our skeleton, support our structure and strong bones are very important for health. The subconscious brain reads the body and may lead us to depression if it sees physical weakness. It is our muscles that feed our bones, otherwise the bones degenerate. As you know, doctors prescribe medications for […]

Burns and Wounds ~THE DOCTOR IS IN!

Burns and Wounds ~THE DOCTOR IS IN!

By: Dr. Pierre Ghassibi – Jan. 2022 Greetings all. It is always important to see a health care provider when it comes to the breach of our skin protective function. Let me here review the basic mechanism or principle of healing of small wounds and superficial burns. (Deep and contaminated cases need professional attention) . […]