It’s Time We Stop Looking Away From The Violence ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

It’s Time We Stop Looking Away From The Violence ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

Last month a deranged person broadcasted live video of himself on Facebook, randomly executing a stranger on the street. As expected, the media and politicians went into hysteria-mode. Facebook officials met with government officials and the media, and of course, everyone is “working hard” to try and prevent this from happening again. Cable news bobble-heads […]

Boxford’s Police Problems Start and End with Selectmen – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (4-17)

Boxford’s Police Problems Start and End with Selectmen – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (4-17)

VALLLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL April 2017   A few months ago The Valley Patriot began to investigate the goings on at the Boxford police station. Rumors about a department out of control because of a police chief who is “mailing it in” motivated us to start requesting documents. Instead of cooperating with the press and being […]

Methuen School Committee Ambush is Unacceptable

Methuen School Committee Ambush is Unacceptable

Last month, the Methuen School Committee went into executive session (a private meeting excluding the public) for the purpose of ambushing School Committee Member Jana DiNatale. Her offense? She dared to ask for public input on an internet survey about Methuen residency, and she did so without their permission or input. (SEE STORY HERE) First, […]

Cut All Funding for Lawrence, The Sanctuary City ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Jan, 2017)

Cut All Funding for Lawrence, The Sanctuary City ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Jan, 2017)

As a municipality, the City of Lawrence does not collect enough in local property taxes to pay for even half the cost of fire, police, schools, and other essential services. As such, Lawrence gets millions of dollars every year from the state and federal government. In the past 30 years, billions of taxpayer’s dollars have […]

There’s a New Sheriff in Town, Now the Work Begins ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (JAN-2017)

There’s a New Sheriff in Town, Now the Work Begins ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (JAN-2017)

During the reign of Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins we have seen political relatives hired to major, high-paying jobs, sober houses located in crack neighborhoods in Lawrence, complaints of employees (or vendors) having relationships with inmates, sweetheart deals given to high price donors (like Wayne Capolupo), and a group of corrections officers who are overworked, […]

Lawrence Mayor Failed to Ease People’s Fears ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Dec. 2016)

Lawrence Mayor Failed to Ease People’s Fears ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Dec. 2016)

Earlier this month, when the public learned about a beheading in Lawrence, rumors began to swirl and the public was left with a lot of unanswered questions. Was it terrorism? Al Quaida? ISIS? The violent, illegal alien drug gang MS-13? Were the people of that neighborhood safe? What about the neighborhood where the victims lived? […]

Trump Exposed the Spineless Hypocrisy of So Many ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-16)

Trump Exposed the Spineless Hypocrisy of So Many ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-16)

Donald Trump not only won the presidential election, he got a higher number of Latino votes on Election Day than Mitt Romney did four years ago. He also did better with women than Romney, and won states that no republican has won in more than 30 years. The fact is, the media propaganda was wrong. […]

EDITORIAL: Ballot Questions: Charter Schools, Marijuana, Animals, Slot Parlors

EDITORIAL: Ballot Questions: Charter Schools, Marijuana, Animals, Slot Parlors

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  OCTOBER 2016 There are four ballot questions Massachusetts voters will be asked to decide on Election Day. Here are our recommendations. VOTE YES ON QUESTION #1: Voters are asked in question #1 whether or not to expand the amount of slot gambling parlors in Massachusetts from one to two. We believe in […]

Inmate Crisis Ignored by Area Legislators For Too Long ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (9-16)

Inmate Crisis Ignored by Area Legislators For Too Long ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (9-16)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL The Valley Patriot hosted two debates in the Essex County Sheriff’s race last month.    During the Democratic Party candidate debate, superintendent of the Middleton jail, Michael Marks, explained that the Sheriff’s Department needs more than $71M to operate. He also explained that the legislature only gave them $50M last year as […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: An Open Letter to Jew Haters Masquerading as “Peace Activists”

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: An Open Letter to Jew Haters Masquerading as “Peace Activists”

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Anti-Semitic, hate group Massachusetts Peace Action (MAPA) can hide behind the name “PEACE” (see letter) but those of us who pay attention are not fooled. Their goal is to masquerade as a civil and human rights organization (as many pro-terror groups do) in an effort to oppose any peace in Israel, as […]

The Democratic Party Has Come a Long Way ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June ,2016)

The Democratic Party Has Come a Long Way  ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (June ,2016)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL: JUNE-2016 In 1961, Democratic President John F. Kennedy inspired us all by saying this country would put a man on the moon. He then went to Congress to fund the exploration into space. Soon afterwards, we saw men on the moon. Today, Democratic President Barack Obama’s inspiration is to put men into […]

Democrat Violence for Democrat Causes – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-16)

Democrat Violence for Democrat Causes – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-16)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  For years, the false media narrative has been that the Tea Party controls the Republican Party and is made up of a bunch of “extremists” who could turn violent any minute. They are mocked and linked to the Republican Party on TV dramas like Law and Order, and are portrayed as bigots […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Dec. 2015) – Recall Against Lawrence Mayor Rivera Must Fail

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (Dec. 2015) – Recall Against Lawrence Mayor Rivera Must Fail

In November of 2013, (then) Lawrence City Councilor Dan Rivera defeated incumbent Mayor Willie Lantigua by 84 votes. After a recount was conducted, and Rivera was again declared the winner, Mayor Lantigua told The Valley Patriot that he would be coming back to run against Rep. Marcos Devers and then, working full time to recall […]

Media Lies and Media Bias: Why Trump is Under Attack ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-15)

Media Lies and Media Bias: Why Trump is Under Attack ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-15)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2015 Those who work in the “news” industry are obsessed with promoting lies and half-truths to destroy political candidates they do not like, instead of just doing their jobs and reporting the news. Last month, Donald Trump became the latest to fall victim to the liars in the “news” media, as […]

Stop 16 Year Olds From Voting in North Andover May 19th – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (May, 2015)

Stop 16 Year Olds From Voting in North Andover May 19th – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (May, 2015)

  At North Andover’s Annual Town meeting on May 19th, we urge the voters of North Andover to reject a proposal that would lower the town voting age to 16. Such a move would not only harm the town, but it would also set a dangerous precedent for the rest of the state. Sixteen and […]

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