“Racist” Valley Democrats Support Voter ID – Valley Patriot Editorial December 2013

By: Tom Duggan – December 15, 2013 Last month all three of Lawrence’s State Representatives voted in favor of Voter ID in Massachusetts. This is odd given that we are told day in, and day out by the Democrat leadership, and the so called “news” media that people who support Voter ID are, in fact, […]

Erin Cox Owes North Andover an Apology – Valley Patriot Editorial (Nov. 2013)

Erin Cox Owes North Andover an Apology – Valley Patriot Editorial (Nov. 2013)

Former North Andover High School volleyball captain Erin Cox claimed she was being suspended from the team and lost her captaincy because of a “zero tolerance policy” at North Andover High, after being caught at an underage drinking party. She claimed she was only there “to give a drunk friend a ride home.” She also […]

Broken Fountain a Symbol of Lawrence’s Leadership – Valley Patriot Editorial

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – OCTOBER, 2013   In September of 2006 The Valley Patriot wrote an editorial calling out Lawrence DPW Director, Frank McCann and Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan for their failure to repair one of Lawrence’s most famous landmarks: The Vietnam Veterans’ Fountain located at the gateway to the city on Winthrop Avenue and […]

Parole Officers who Freed Cop Killer Reinstated: Valley Patriot August, 2013 Editorial

Parole Officers who Freed Cop Killer Reinstated: Valley Patriot August, 2013 Editorial

Valley Patriot August ’13 Editorial It’s simply sickening. An arbitrator has reinstated two of the parole officials responsible for the release of cop killer Dominic Cinelli. At this point we believe everyone who contributed to the release of Cinelli should be purged from the public payrolls. If that can’t be done these individuals need to […]

EDITORIAL: Still No Investigation, No Answers on Jamie Atkinson Scandal

EDITORIAL: Still No Investigation, No Answers on Jamie Atkinson Scandal

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2013 At issue was Attorney Richard D’Agostino, who was applying to replace McQuillan as city solicitor after the council voted not to renew McQuillan’s contract. While D’Agostino was being questioned at a public hearing, McQuillan was feeding questions and damaging information to Councilor Atkinson in an attempt to stop D’Agostino from […]

Valley Patriot Editorial: Why Does Ed Markey Hate Women?

Valley Patriot Editorial: Why Does Ed Markey Hate Women?

We don’t know. Truth be told, we were stunned by the latest spate of TV commercials Markey and his advocates are running, which are highly insulting to women. Especially given that the media and the Democrat party have preached for three decades that Republicans represent “rich, old, white, men,” while Democrats represent young, energetic minorities […]

EDITORIAL: The Fleecing of Taxpayers – Ultimate Power, No Transparency, No Outrage in Lawrence

EDITORIAL: The Fleecing of Taxpayers – Ultimate Power, No Transparency, No Outrage in Lawrence

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL MAY, 2013   The corruption and the fleecing of the state taxpayers by Lawrence officials is staggering, and we believe the biggest scandal going on in the state. Yet the media and elected “leaders” on Beacon Hill continually look the other way. At issue: Jeff Riley is the state appointed receiver in […]

Will the Real Dan Rivera Please Stand Up? – Valley Patriot Editorial – April 2013

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – APRIL 2013 Lawrence City Councilor Dan Rivera is running for mayor against incumbent Willie Lantigua. We find that odd. For the last two and a half years, Lawrence City Councilor At-Large, Dan Rivera has approved nearly every hack appointment made by the embattled Mayor Lantigua. His approvals included the now indicted […]

An Open Letter to Lawrence Police Chief John Romero

An Open Letter to Lawrence Police Chief John Romero

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL February, 2013   Dear Chief Romero, Over the years the staff, editors and even our publisher Tom Duggan have personally observed Eagle Tribune reporters saunter into the police station unchallenged, go to the booking sheets (which contain information on all arrests) and make copies of documents within those booking sheets. According to […]

Everyone gets a Trophy in North Andover – School Committee Dumbs-Down Grades

Everyone gets a Trophy in North Andover – School Committee Dumbs-Down Grades

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   January 2013 The North Andover School Committee has decided that grading children in the school system with the time tested letter grades which reflect their achievement on tests and projects, is no longer needed. Instead, they have decided to create a complicated number grading system that parents say do not reflect […]

EDITORIAL: Enemies of Free Speech In Haverhill in the name of “Civil Rights – (NOV-12)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   (November, 2012) Just days before the 2012 election, members of the Greater Haverhill Civil Rights Commission demanded that a political sign (supporting Scott Brown) be removed from private property because it included the phrase “Not an Indian”. That phrase was clearly shorthand for “Not a fake Indian” or “Not a Native […]

Democrats: Take Credit Where Credit is Due!

Democrats: Take Credit Where Credit is Due!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL     In 2007, during George Bush’s term of office, the Democrats took over both houses of Congress controlling a majority in both chambers. On January 3, 2007, the day that happened, the Dow Jones averages closed at 12,621, the GDP for the previous quarter was up 3.5% over a year earlier […]

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