The Best Bang for Your Buck?

The Best Bang for Your Buck?

  By: Lawrence City Council President, Patrick Blanchette – December 2004  Unfortunately the City of Lawrence is dealing with tough financial problems this year. When I was first elected to the Lawrence City Council (over five years ago,) the annual operating budget was roughly $170 million, with a contingency reserve account of $3 million. The […]

Valley Patriot Kid Reporter, Hanna Interviews Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood

  By: Hanna -December, 2004 Valley Patriot kid reporter Hanna  interviews local celebrities and politicians each month. This month Hanna interviewed Haverhill School Committeeman Scott Wood.  What do you think about calculators in the elementary schools? Does Haverhill use them?  Haverhill does have them for their classrooms, However they are not used very often.  Do […]

A Dream Deferred

  By: Hartley Pleshaw – December, 2004  Columbus Day, 1967, was a very important day in my life. It was the day that I learned, for the first time, about life’s disappointments, and how reality can shatter dreams. It was the day I learned that there was no Santa Claus, no Never- Never Land, no […]

Your Property Taxes in Methuen

  By: Methuen City Council President, Billy Manzi – December, 2004 With Methuen’s City Council prepared to set a “tax rate” at the December 6th meeting, it was an opportune time to discuss the process, tax classification, and general budgetary matters. While the Mayor’s recommendations were not yet available at press time, Methuen’s budget does […]

Signs of Growth are Everywhere in Lawrence – By Lawrence High Principal Tom Sharkey

By: Tom Sharkey – September, 2004 The development of the mill buildings, the construction of a new rail center, and the repairs to City Hall and to Veterans Stadium speak to a community coming together to shape its future. Though still in its early stages, emerging as another success story for the City is Lawrence […]

An Interview with Principal Kostan – Hanna’s Education Corner

By: Hanna, age 10 – September, 2004 Our new ace reporter, Hanna interviewed (Kathleen Kostan) the new principal of the Thomson School in North Andover. How do you feel about MCAS? “I wouldn’t just say it is just MCAS, because I think the Education Reform Bill which started MCAS is the best that has ever […]

Let the Weapons Ban Sunset, by Amber Pawlick

By: Amber Pawlick – September, 2004 The “assault weapon” ban is set to expire in just weeks. Because of this, there has been much chatter about it in the media. It seems like many if not most people agree that they are for the second amendment but against those big bad “assault weapons.” I have one question for them: why? […]

Global Warming, Don’t Worry Mother Nature Is In Control PART 3

  By: Ted Tripp –  September, 2004 Since the 1960s, science has become increasingly politicized with large, well-organized groups using a particular scientific theory or research result to further their political agenda. In many cases, scare tactics are used to stir up citizens and the groups bringing you this news have a solution to the […]

Hanna’s Education Corner – An Interview with Lawrence School Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy

By: Hanna, Age 10 – October, 2004 What is the difference between a teacher, a principal and a superintendent? Teachers work most directly with the students in the classroom. Principals run the schools and are in charge of everyone in the school building. Superintendents are in charge of all the schools. We make sure that […]

UN Confirms: WMDs Smuggled Out of Iraq

By: Rod D. Martin – August, 2004  In a report which might alternately be termed “stunning” or “terrifying”, United Nations weapons inspectors confirmed last week not merely that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, but that he smuggled them out of his country, before, during and after the war. Late last week, the UN Monitoring, […]