Is Your Child Addicted To Video Games? ~ Babies and Briefcases

Is Your Child Addicted To Video Games? ~ Babies and Briefcases

By: Cheryl Hajjar – May, 2015 Gamers come in all different shapes and sizes. Everyone of us knows a gamer who sits in front the TV and plays on Xbox or PlayStation for hours at a time with their friends. Its almost like a cult, where in their subculture, they speak another language that only […]

Valley Patriot Publisher on Public Records in Massachusetts and How it Affects You

Valley Patriot Publisher on Public Records in Massachusetts and How it Affects You

AUDIO: Tom Duggan on Afternoon LIVE discusses the state’s impotent Public Records law and how it affects you.  (VIDEO of Duggan’s testimony below at 41 MIN mark) Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan testified before a sub committee of the Massachusetts State Legislature in favor of a bill he wrote S1700 that would finally put teeth into […]

Netanyahu Should be Rejected and Isolated

Netanyahu Should be  Rejected and Isolated

By: DJ Deeb – May, 2015 I want to comment on Dr. Chuck Ormsby’s Valley Patriot column from last month titled, “I’m A Pro-Semite.” I often find myself in agreement with Chuck’s Libertarian views and I enjoy reading his editorials each month, but I must disagree with his analysis of Israel’s elections as I have […]

Memorial Day

Memorial Day

By: John Lenotte – May, 2015 Memorial Day is again approaching. That time for the unofficial beginning of Summer. And after this last Winter, we are all looking forward to sun and warm weather. As I do every year, I will ask you to take a few minutes to think about those who made sacrifices […]

The Message of “Hope”

The Message of “Hope”

  By: John MacDonald – May, 2015 I often talk about leadership and wonder where the next great political leader will emerge from within the United States. What Governor, Congressman, Senator, educational or business leader will emerge as a leader and actually fix what is most in need in this country, which is a positive […]

Why We Should Eliminate State Boards and State Depts. of Education

Why We Should Eliminate State Boards and State Depts. of Education

By: Sandra Stotsky – May, 2015 It is becoming increasingly clearer that the main groups oppressing parents, local school boards, and local teacher unions with Common Core-based standards and tests (regardless of what they are actually called) are state boards of education and state departments of education. Those in New England states are no better than […]

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Address to the MA Legislature

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King’s Address to the MA Legislature

By: Senator Katy Ives – May, 2015 On April 22, 1965, the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr. addressed the Massachusetts Legislature in a Joint Session comprised of State Senate and State Representatives. This was the first time Dr. King spoke before a legislative body. Six months prior to this visit, he had won the […]