Unelected Bureaucrats

  By: Peter Larocque – June, 2012 I would like to respond to an Editorial entitled, “Bake Sale Band Flap” that was published in the Eagle-Tribune on 5/13/2012. Towards the end of the editorial, the writer makes a conclusion concerning the crux of the matter, “when Legislators hand off their power to control the fine […]

The current state of activism in Lawrence

The current state of activism in Lawrence

  By: Joe D’Amore – June, 2012 The community action movements that swept Lawrence “It’s Your Right” and “Uniting Lawrence” appear to have initated derivative actions that speak to a yearning for change in this city. These have manifested themselves in unique ways such as a proliferation of Face Book groups, radio programs, letter writing […]

Thank You Frank Incropera

  By: Bob Cuomo – June, 2o12 On May 19, 2012 the Mount Vernon Neighborhood Association had its election of Officers and Trustees. This year for the first time in 20 years they had to make changes as Frank Incropera was stepping down as President of the MVNA, a position he has held for some […]

Bill Manzi Waivers on Voter ID

Bill Manzi Waivers on Voter ID

  By; Tom Duggan – June, 2012 Former Methuen Mayor and Democrat candidate for State Senate in the Massachusetts First Essex District race, Bill Manzi, called into “Paying Attention!” with Tom Duggan and co-host Paul Muranao on WCAP radio 980AM to talk about where he stands on the issues facing Massachusetts Voters. The First Essex […]

Who is Minding the Store in Methuen?

  By: Ken Willette – June, 2012 I have observed with great dissatisfaction political decisions being considered or enacted by our local leadership in Methuen. With each questionable decision, I have come to the same conclusions: when are real government reforms going to be implemented and how much will these recent actions to augment the […]

What’s a Traditional Democrat to Do When His Party Has Been Hijacked by Leftist Extremists?

What’s a Traditional Democrat to Do When His Party Has Been Hijacked by Leftist Extremists?

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – June, 2012 You’ve probably heard of “Conservative Democrats.” Lately they have been as scarce as hen’s teeth. Locally, I viewed the late Senator Steve Baddour (still breathing, but no longer a state senator) as a Conservative Democrat. While we had a modest overlap of views, […]

Phil Laverriere Deserved Better

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL May, 2012 For nearly 40 years Phil Laverriere served the Merrimack Valley as the head of the Greater Lawrence Community Action Council. In that time, Mr. Laverriere helped tens of thousands of poor people get heat in the winter, day care for their children, provided education and English Classes for newly arriving […]

It’s time for us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

It’s time for us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

  By: Jeff Katz – May, 2011 Sporting his best Brooks Brothers casual while serving up chicken chili in a barnyard, Willard Mitt Romney made it officially official the other day while visiting his home State of New Hampshire that he was once again running for President of the United States. This announcement was completely […]

An “F” on Transparancy in Massachusetts (opnion)

  By: Rob Eno – May, 2012 After completing work on a $32.5 billion budget, Speaker Robert DeLeo (D-Winthrop) said the budget process was, “the most open and transparent we can have”. The non-partisan Center for Public Integrity, among others, strongly disagrees. They recently gave Massachusetts an F for openness and transparency in our budgeting […]