Message to Tea Party: Scott Brown is NOT the Enemy

It’s time to stop circling the wagons and shooting IN Christine Morabito – April, 2012 The Tea Party’s relationship with U.S. Senator Scott Brown has been dysfunctional at best.  In February, leaders from 7 Massachusetts Tea Parties sat down with Brown’s staff to establish an open dialogue and express concerns about his voting record. Despite […]

Media Narrative in Trayvon Martin Case

Media Narrative in Trayvon Martin Case

  By: Jeff Katz – April, 2012 The fine people of Sanford, Florida have recently had to welcome the circus to town. The visit of one of the greatest shows on earth follows the killing of a seventeen year old man named Trayvon Martin. Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman a little over […]

The Republican Primary

The Republican Primary

We are a country which desperately needs a visionary and a leader   By Jeff Katz – April, 2012 As I write this, we are a few days out from the Michigan Republican primary and the race continues to evolve. For the past month, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has been leading former Massachusetts Governor […]

The Gay Terrorist – YE GAY OL’ VALLEY

By: Dani Langevin – April, 2012 Army specialist Bradley Manning was arrested on May 29, 2010 for downloading and sending thousands of sensitive military reports related to missions in Iraq and Afghanistan to WikiLeaks, a website known for divulging classified information. Upon his arrest, Manning was charged with 22 counts which include indirectly aiding the […]

Lawrence’s Public Schools Takeover Unconstitutional?

By: Peter Larocque – March, 2012 The way the Massachusetts Law that allowed Education Commissioner Mitchell Chester to Takeover Lawrence’s Public Schools is being implemented could be Unconstitutional! According to this law, the Commissioner shall appoint a Receiver to a School District that has been declared chronically underperforming by the State Board of Elementary and […]

Chris Christie on Israel – and What It Means to Be a Leader

By: Dennis Prager – March 2012 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie addressed the American Israel @ Affairs Committee (AIPAC) last week. In the few words reported by the Weekly Standard magazine, he said just about everything one needs to know about Israel; about America and Israel; and about American political leadership: “America should stand by […]

Conservatives Draw Strength from CPAC

Conservatives Draw Strength from CPAC

  By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party, March, 2012 Much to the chagrin of Occupy D.C., last month’s CPAC was a tremendous success. The unholy mob had been plotting to disrupt the event by pulling fire alarms, cutting electrical power and even physically assaulting participants. If they were incensed by the keynote speaker, Sarah Palin, they were absolutely apoplectic about […]

Methuen Native Jaime Bellavance Coelho Runs for Children’s Literacy

By: Diana DiZoglio, March, 2012 Methuen native Jaime Bellavance Coelho is running the Boston Marathon for children’s literacy. ReadBoston is a children’s literacy non-profit that raises money for after school reading programs to support inner city schools. The money she is raising will go toward the Storymobile program, which will distribute free books to kids […]