Voter Fraud Discovered in Lawrence

  By: Jamison Tomasek – August, 2011 When the discussion turns to voting in Lawrence, there are many stories of irregularities. Some are firsthand, many are secondhand and some are just speculation. This is a story of hard evidence. This article will show you that the Election Division of the City Clerk’s Office in Lawrence […]

Obama’s Birth Control Plan

Obama’s Birth Control Plan

  By Paul Murano – August, 2011 The Obama administration said last month that health insurance plans must cover birth control as preventive care for women, with no co-pays. This is huge. From the FDA approving the birth control pill in 1960 to the court striking down restrictions to contraception use in 1965 (Griswold vs. […]

Obamacare: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Told Them (Part 1)

Obamacare: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Told Them (Part 1)

By Christine Morabito – August, 2011 On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the most far-reaching piece of legislation ever concocted. With the budget crisis taking center stage, we can lose sight of the danger looming just around the corner—the full implementation of Obamacare in 2014. […]


VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL  August, 2o11 The number of underhanded tactics employed by Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua and his supporters against the efforts to gather signatures for his recall were staggering. And they weren’t shy about it. They even bragged about it on Facebook. On the pro- Lantigua webpage Yo No Firma (which means DO NOT SIGN), Lantigua supporters attacked […]

What’s MA’s Job-Growth Strategy: Hoping, Hunting, or Helping?

  By: Mike Hruby – August, 2011 On Thursday, July 21st, the Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) announced that our state unemployment measure stayed at 7.6% for another month. This signaled no improvement for 263,800 unemployed individuals, more than seven full Fenway Parks. By definition the 7.6% figure does not include […]

Turner & Nason: Together Again!

Turner & Nason: Together Again!

  By: Lawrence, “Lonnie” Brennan – August, 2011 What exactly is Moonlight Productions and how did they ever produce such a moving theatrical production in Georgetown this summer? Impossible to answer in just a few paragraphs… Director and lead actor JT Turner, together again with music director Sandi Nason guided 42 actors and actresses (children, […]

Manzi Signs Letter on Debt

Manzi Signs Letter on Debt

  From the desk of Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi –  August – 2011 A Letter to the President and Congress was signed by Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi and other area mayors here is that letter: Dear President Obama, Senate Majority Leader Reid, House Speaker Boehner, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, and House Minorty Leader Pelosi: Now […]

Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins’ Excuses Are Not Good Enough!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2012 Last month, The Valley Patriot criticized Essex County Sheriff Frank Cousins for his failure to notify the public of an escape from the Lawrence jail on Marston Street (known as “the farm”). After our editorial was published, we were contacted by Paul Fleming, the sheriff’s press director, stating that we were “wrong” and that they […]

Is Obama Intentionally Seeking to Destroy America?

Is Obama Intentionally Seeking to Destroy America?

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – July, 2011 Vote in the Official Valley Patriot “Obama’s Intentions” Poll Vote on-line at I am not prone to conspiracy theories. I think Oswald assassinated President Kennedy without the active participation of Castro, the Soviet Union, Lyndon Johnson, the John Birch Society, the FBI, the […]

How the Media Spins Political Gaffes

How the Media Spins Political Gaffes

  By: Jeff Katz – July, 2011 Recently, we’ve heard a lot about presidential candidates and gaffes. Sarah Palin stated that Paul Revere warned the British that the British were coming.  After she was roundly ridiculed by the usual high and mighty types, a number of noteworthy historians pointed out that her explanation was absolutely correct. Not only had America’s most famous silversmith […]

Laplante goes on police ride along: encouages councilors to do same

Laplante goes on police ride along: encouages councilors to do same

  By: Tom Duggan – June, 2011   Lawrence City Councilor Mark LaPlante (District F) has been one of the more outspoken supporters of the Lawrence police. Last month LaPlante went on two police ride-alongs with Lawrence Police and it’s an experience he says all members of the city council could benefit from. “We are […]

Marine Recruiters Say They Get Shabby Treatment at High School

Marine Recruiters Say They Get Shabby Treatment at High School

Superintendent Reaches out to Marines, says they will be treated respectfully   By: Tom Duggan – June, 2011 Sgt Cardona the Marine Recruiter in Lawrence and a number of past recruiters have long complained that the faculty at North Andover High School are not only uncooperative when they enter the building to recruit, “but there’s […]