Oh, My Good, Gay God!

Oh, My Good, Gay God!

  By: Dani Langevin, Lesbian Columnist – May, 2011 Paint a boy’s toenails pink and the whole world as we know it is going to implode. Recently, J. Crew posted an ad showing their creative director Jenna Lyons and her 5-year-old son Beckett whose toenails she painted pink. You’d have thought she put him in […]

Reveling in Death

Reveling in Death

  By; Paul Murano – May, 2011 The Bin Laden saga has illustrated to the world two ugly manifestations of the hate that lurks in the hearts of men. The first happened ten years ago on 9/11 when it resulted in over 3,000 innocent people being killed. The second came last week when countless people […]

  By: Christine Morabito – May, 2011 Massachusetts Tea Party groups celebrated Tax Day with events designed to celebrate their unsung hero–the taxpayer. Events began on April 15 with the third annual Tax Day Tea Party rally on the Boston Common where special guest Governor Tim Pawlenty drew about 500 people. Just after the rally […]

Georgetown: A Town Divided, Yet Again

Georgetown: A Town Divided, Yet Again

  By: Lawrence, “Lonnie” Brennan – May, 2011 Hi. Did I mention that Georgetown School Superintendent Carol Jacobs will garner $174,300 of taxpayer money this year? And that we have a lovely $1.2 million dollar override that, by the time you read this, is supposed to be inflicted upon the taxpayer? Someday, perhaps 20 years […]

Reyes Demands Lantgua Pay Back School Funds

  By; Tom Duggan – May, 2011   Lawrence School Committeeman Sammy Reyes (District D) has written a scathing letter to the city council demanding that education funds (which were used for city services) be repaid to the school children of Lawrence. In his letter, Reyes threatens to turn in the Lantigua administration for misappropriation […]

Where’s the Punch Line, Mister President?

Where’s the Punch Line, Mister President?

  By: Jeff Katz -May, 2011   Yesterday was a big television day for me. I came home after slaving over a hot microphone for four straight hours, made some lunch and joined my lovely bride on the couch. We had TV to watch and nothing was going to stop us. First up, Showtime on […]

Hundreds Rally to Save Saint Mary’s School

Hundreds Rally to Save Saint Mary’s School

Catholic Church to Close Saint Mary’s After Promising to keep it Open By: Tom Duggan – May, 2011 Hundreds of students, parents and supporters of Saint Mary’s School of the Assumption in Lawrence, rallied and held a vigil Saturday to oppose the decision of the Boston Archdiocese of the Catholic Church to close the school […]

Superintendent Evaluation is Meaningless

Superintendent Evaluation is Meaningless

  By: Peter Larocque – May, 2011 When words in our English Language are used without any adherence to their meaning or definition, the result is meaningless! Please allow me to explain. To put things in perspective, here’s a little timeline without re-hashing all the details. Former Lawrence School Superintendent Dr. Laboy went on sick […]

The Recall Process in Lawrence

The Recall Process in Lawrence

  By: Jamison Tomasek – May, 2011 A recall effort is underway in the City of Lawrence. The process of a recall is contained in the City Charter (hereafter Charter). Section 9.7 entitled “Recall of Elected Officials.” As this section is written in government lingo, it does require a careful reading as well as some […]