The Lawrence City Council, When Privilege is Better Than Pay

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – August 25, 2005  Lawrence City Councilor Marie Gosselin is always complaining about the “measly $97 a week” she gets paid for being a City Councilor. And she is right, of course. Lawrence School Committee members and City Councilors should be paid more for the amount of […]

Canceling Primaries Protects Incumbents

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   August, 2005 You cannot put a price on democracy. Yet, the city of Methuen recently tried to cancel their preliminary election, officials said, because too few candidates took out nomination papers. Why have a preliminary election, they asked, and spend thousands of tax dollars when most races for mayor, school committee and city council are uncontested? […]

Hero in Our Midst – Jim Mulligan – Valley Pariot of the Month

By Dr. Charles Ormsby – August, 2005 Bound, blindfolded and badly injured, Captain Jim Mulligan was led through the angry crowd of Vietnamese peasants. They screamed in Vietnamese while striking him with sticks and pelting him with stones. He was then placed on a mound of freshly dug earth while a man made a loud and […]

First Flags Then Books

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   July, 2005 In honor of the 4th of July and the birth of this great nation, we wave the American Flag high. We salute the flag and support the freedoms it stands for. It has been the practice of The Valley Patriot to honor our veterans each month with a feature […]

Hero in Our Midst – Charles Bruderer – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Charles Ormsby  – July, 2005 Charles Bruderer of Methuen is just wrapping up his military career. He will be leaving the National Guard after 33 years of service to our country and a record that recently won him the Meritorious Service Medal. Born in Ogden, Utah and raised in Brigham City, Charles found himself between jobs […]

First Flags Then Books

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL    July, 2005 In honor of the 4th of July and the birth of this great nation, we wave the American Flag high. We salute the flag and support the freedoms it stands for.  It has been the practice of The Valley Patriot to honor our veterans each month with a feature […]

Another Shutout!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   June, 2005 Teachers Union 10, Children and North Andover Taxpayers 0 Get ready for the hand wringing! Next spring you will hear about the massive cuts in services and the need to layoff approximately two-dozen of North Andover’s teaching staff. Intense pressure will be brought to bear on fire, police and public […]

State Rep. Willie Lantigua’s True Color: GREEN!

State Rep. Willie Lantigua’s True Color: GREEN!

  June, 2005 Lawrence State Representative Willie Lantigua has betrayed the Latino people of Lawrence. He has been playing a dangerous game of race baiting and making racial slurs for far too long, and it is about time someone called him to task for his shenanigans. Lantigua has deliberately misinformed his Dominican constituency about Licensing […]

Join the Heroes As They Gather

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL May, 2005 It is time for a reality check as our Town and City leaders wring their hands over budgets that don’t stretch to meet everyone’s expressed needs, and citizens grind their teeth because some service is slightly diminished.  But, we are not living in a time of deprivation. Quite the contrary, […]

Hero in Our Midst, Ted Cole – Valley Patriot of the Month (May, 2005)

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – May, 2005 Andover, Mass. – “I was furious at what they did,” said Ted Cole, recalling his emotions after hearing about the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Less than 24 hours later he and his two brothers were in line at the recruiting station in Lawrence. “The line was out the […]

If You Can’t Make History Try Re-Writing It (opinion)

If You Can’t Make History Try Re-Writing It (opinion)

By: Ralph Wilbur – May, 2005   During the “Public Participation” portion of the North Andover School Committee Meeting on April 12th, Ms. Cynthia Jalbert rose to complain about the brochure I distributed before North Andover’s recent town election. Specifically, she suggested that my praise for Dr. Ormsby’s efforts to improve the quality of education […]

Cheaper Electric Rates

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   April, 2005 Last month North Andover voters rejected another property tax override for a new police station. This means town officials will have to get creative if they want to find revenue for a new police station or any other capital project in the near future. The voters of North Andover […]