SUE PIAZZA’S BOOK REVIEWS – Growing Up Under the Nazi Boot and the Greek Civil War, 2nd Edition

SUE PIAZZA’S BOOK REVIEWS – Growing Up Under the Nazi Boot and the Greek Civil War, 2nd Edition

Growing Up Under the Nazi Boot and the Greek Civil War, 2nd Edition By: George Kakridas © 2023 George Kakridas Genre: Autobiography Bookmarkers: 4 of 5 I have read both of Mr. Kakridas’ book editions. The first touches on his life under occupation while the second deals entirely with his growing up under the occupation […]

Confronting Evil in a Dangerous Time of Appeasement

Confronting Evil in a Dangerous Time of Appeasement

By: Kenneth Willette – Nov.  2023 The Squad—a radical cabal operating without reproach in the US House of Representatives– is seeking a Congressional Resolution (CR) that would be equivalent to sending an unarmed social worker to resolve the genocidal actions of terrorists. How on God’s green earth will a proposed cease fire even remotely address […]

Valley Patriot Publisher Tom Duggan Bestowed Overcoming Obstacles Award

Valley Patriot Publisher Tom Duggan Bestowed Overcoming Obstacles Award

By: Santiago Reyes Cruz, Jr. Fresh out of the hospital from a life-threatening illness, Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan was presented with one of the most prestigious awards in the Merrimack Valley last month, the Greater Lawrence Psychological Center’s Overcoming Obstacles Award Most people may know that Tom is a homeless advocate; he feeds them, […]

We Stand With Israel – No Ceasefire in Gaza ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-23)

We Stand With Israel – No Ceasefire in Gaza ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-23)

11-23 On October 7th, civilians from the terrorist held “Palestinian territories” in Israel invaded border communities, murdered the local police officers, blew up the local police stations, and then went house to house raping women, beheading babies and children, torturing and killing men, and taking hostages back to their terrorist enclaves in Gaza. The Arab-Muslim […]

Chemicals Everywhere ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN

Chemicals Everywhere ~ THE DOCTOR IS IN

By: Pierre Ghassibi 10-23 I do not know why we do not talk more about the effect on our health of the chemicals that surround us every day. Many of us are turning vegan because we know about the cruelty to animals in our slaughterhouses, because animal farming has a worse effect on pollution and […]

Our Silent Generation Speaks – Two-Service Vet Robert Lister ~ Valley Patriot of the Month

Our Silent Generation Speaks – Two-Service Vet Robert Lister ~ Valley Patriot of the Month

By: John Cuddy 10-23 Raised in Methuen, Massachusetts, where he returned to over thirty years ago, ninety-year-old Robert Lister and his daughter Joan, recently met with the Valley Patriot to tell his story. Growing up, he had three sisters and one brother. Robert attended Lawrence High School for a while before joining the US Navy […]

Psychological Center Honors 7 People, Raises $50K for Community Programs

Psychological Center Honors 7 People, Raises $50K for Community Programs

  LAWRENCE — Last month, the Greater Lawrence Psychological Center, Inc., hosted approximately 200 people at their 5th-annual Overcoming Obstacles Gala at Salvatore’s Italian Restaurant in Lawrence. I first want to thank Michael Agricola and Phillip Wood, (owners of Salvatore’s) for donating their food and space for this event. The gala raised approximately $50,000 to […]

The Heroes at Lawrence General Hospital ~ Performing One Miracle After Another

The Heroes at Lawrence General Hospital ~ Performing One Miracle After Another

By: Valley Patriot Staff (10-23) As most of you know by now, Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan is home and recovering from a near death illness that took the expertise, skills, and a few medical miracles from the teams of doctors and medical professionals who struggled for more than 10 days to keep Duggan alive. […]

Emotional Eating/Finding Balance with Food ~ KANE’S KORNER

Emotional Eating/Finding Balance with Food ~ KANE’S KORNER

THE ADVENTURES OF KANE THE VALLEY PATRIOT’S OFFICIAL MASCOT 9-23 Kane has felt stressed out lately! He finds himself running to food to feel better! He has been sneaking food when nobody is around, hiding the wrappers in his house, and plotting and planning how to get more! Yesterday he almost stole his human’s whole […]

State Auditor DiZoglio Makes Sure There Are No Unfunded Local Mandates ~ IN YOUR CORNER WITH AUDITOR DIZOGLIO

State Auditor DiZoglio Makes Sure There Are No Unfunded Local Mandates ~ IN YOUR CORNER WITH AUDITOR DIZOGLIO

By: State Auditor Diana DiZoglio 9-23 Hello Valley Patriot Readers, Within the Office of the State Auditor is the Division of Local Mandates (DLM), a critical resource for our cities and towns. DLM was established in 1980 under the property tax limit initiative known as Proposition 2 ½. The DLM team assists in determining whether […]

Woke World Blues

Woke World Blues

By: Ken Willette – 7/23 The followers of Woke World have experienced major setbacks lately, which demonstrate the limits of their influence in 2023 mainstream America. Anheuser-Busch (AB), Disney and Target have collectively lost almost $100 billion in revenue over woke antics since 2022. The battles between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Disney executives are […]