Drugs A Big Priority: Jajuga Says He Will Bring Different Kind of Leadership To Methuen Council

Drugs A Big Priority: Jajuga Says He Will Bring Different Kind of Leadership To Methuen Council

By: Tom Duggan – August 7, 2013                 OTHER METHUEN STORIES Former State Senator James Jajuga is running for Methuen City Council At Large (city wide). Jajuga is a Vietnam Era Veteran, was a member of the Massachusetts State Police, is former Public Safety Commissioner and is the former […]

West End Methuen City Council Candidate George Kazanjian Says Council Argues too much, Will fight to Lower Taxes

West End Methuen City Council Candidate George Kazanjian Says Council Argues too much, Will fight to Lower Taxes

By: Tom Duggan – July 28, 2013 (other Methuen Stories) Former School Committeeman George Kazanjian says he wants to represent the people of the West End on the city council so he can find waste and needles spending in the city budget.  Kazanjian spoke with the Valley Patriot the day after his former colleague on […]

Firefighter, Activist Manny “Juan” Gonzalez Officially Kicks off Campaign for Lawrence Mayor

By: Tom Duggan – July 18, 2013 Lawrence Firefighter and community activist Manuel “Juan” Gonzalez launched his official campaign kickoff for Mayor Thursday night before a packed room of about 100 people at the Firefighter’s Relief In. Flanked by former Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan, Lawrence City Councilor Marc LaPlante (District “F”), and Mount Vernon Neighborhood Association […]

EDITORIAL: Still No Investigation, No Answers on Jamie Atkinson Scandal

EDITORIAL: Still No Investigation, No Answers on Jamie Atkinson Scandal

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL July, 2013 At issue was Attorney Richard D’Agostino, who was applying to replace McQuillan as city solicitor after the council voted not to renew McQuillan’s contract. While D’Agostino was being questioned at a public hearing, McQuillan was feeding questions and damaging information to Councilor Atkinson in an attempt to stop D’Agostino from […]

Methuen Council Candidate Evan Chaisson: Solicitor Fiasco a “Joke” Council Needs Leadership

Methuen Council Candidate Evan Chaisson: Solicitor Fiasco a “Joke” Council Needs Leadership

By: Tom Duggan – July 17, 2013 With Jeanne Pappalardo leaving the city council because of term limits this year, three people are seeking to fill two seats on the city council representing Methuen’s West End. Incumbent Councilor Sean Fountain, School Committeeman George Kazanjian and Methuen’s most outspoken member of the school committee Evan Chaisson […]

City Pays DiAdamos $4M Rent For Building Worth $801,200

City Pays DiAdamos $4M Rent For Building Worth $801,200

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2013 According to documents obtained by The Valley Patriot, Carmine and William DiAdamo of the DiAdamo and DiAdamo Law firm are not only the worker’s compensation attorney’s for the City of Lawrence, but the money they made on the city for rental payments of their Essex Street buildings under the Lantigua […]

The Declaration of Independence vs. City of Lawrence

  By: Peter Larocque – June, 2013 According to the Declaration of Independence, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, are unalienable rights of all the people endowed by their Creator. To secure these rights, Governments are instituted deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, the people! Whenever any form of Government […]

Rep. DiZoglio’s Campaign Finance Proposal Gets Early Hearing

    BOSTON – State Representative Diana Dizoglio (D) Methuen, got a hearing on her Campaign finance bill last week and is fighting hard to hold accountable those elected officials and candidates for office who refuse to follow file their campaign finance reports.  DiZoglio’s bill, House Bill 573, was addressed last Wednesday at a public […]

GLCAC’s Head Start Wins Award for STEM Curriculum

The GLCAC’s Head Start program recently won recognition for its innovation and leadership in teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics to preschoolers. In a ceremony attended by Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua, Lawrence Superintendent of Schools Jeffrey Riley, parents and GLCAC staff, three prize-winning teachers were honored for using bridges and statues to help preschoolers learn […]

Corruption Triumphs in Methuen: D’Agostino the Casualty

Corruption Triumphs in Methuen: D’Agostino the Casualty

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN By: Tom Duggan – April 2013 Private citizen Richard D’Agostino applied for the open city solicitor’s job in Methuen among eleven other candidates. He was by far the most qualified for the position as he was one of the last two finalists before political shenanigans derailed his chances of employment […]

Will the Real Dan Rivera Please Stand Up? – Valley Patriot Editorial – April 2013

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – APRIL 2013 Lawrence City Councilor Dan Rivera is running for mayor against incumbent Willie Lantigua. We find that odd. For the last two and a half years, Lawrence City Councilor At-Large, Dan Rivera has approved nearly every hack appointment made by the embattled Mayor Lantigua. His approvals included the now indicted […]

D’Agostino Asks Methuen Councilors to Evaluate Candidates for Solicitor Using Criteria They Set

D’Agostino Asks Methuen Councilors to Evaluate Candidates for Solicitor Using Criteria They Set

(Posted March 31, 2013) As one of two final applicants for the city solicitor’s position in Methuen, Richard D’Agostino has written a letter to the Methuen City Council asking them to put aside the smear campaign against him and evaluate both candidates on their record and references. D’Agostino calls on councilors to complete the process […]

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