A Clockwork Orange America

A Clockwork Orange America

By: Ken Willette – 07-22 Stanley Kubrick, who was considered one of the greatest directors of all-time, directed a masterpiece film on a futurist society where young thugs brazenly terrorize innocent bystanders without swift repercussions by law enforcement or judges. It was an indictment of the criminal justice system that created a demographic group that […]

KANE’S CORNER ~ Jeffrey Hollett, Haverhill Veteran Services Officer

KANE’S CORNER ~ Jeffrey Hollett, Haverhill Veteran Services Officer

By Kane – July, 2022 Kane went on a field trip to interview Haverhill Veteran Service Officer Jeffrey Hollett at his office in Haverhill, MA. Jeffrey has dedicated his professional life to helping Veterans navigate civilian life after serving our country with honor. Jeffrey, who originally served as the VSO in Dracut, stated that Haverhill […]

Estela Reyes will Fund Police in Methuen, McCarty Cut 32 Cops as a Councilor

Estela Reyes will Fund Police in Methuen, McCarty Cut 32 Cops as a Councilor

By: Santiago Reyes Cruz,  Jr. – July,  2022 This year the race for state representative in Lawrence and Methuen will be decided in the September 6th primary – not the November election – because there are no Republicans running in this race. That means more people need to vote on the September 6th Democrat primary, […]

TOM DUGGAN’S NOTEBOOK (06-22) ~ Methuen’s Dysfunction, Haverhill Farmers Market, MORE!

TOM DUGGAN’S NOTEBOOK (06-22) ~ Methuen’s Dysfunction, Haverhill Farmers Market, MORE!

STATE PRIMARIES WILL DECIDE SEVERAL RACES Several races for State Representative in the Merrimack Valley will be decided in the September 6th primary as there are no Republicans running (so far) in those races. In the newly carved Lawrence/Methuen district it will be Methuen City Councilor Jim McCarty – who has no job and lives […]

You Came Together to Help Others – THANK YOU ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

You Came Together to Help Others – THANK YOU ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL

April, 2022 Every year The Valley Patriot holds an annual BASH Scholarship and Award Night where we give out college scholarships to high school students and awards for community heroes. Last week’s BASH was the first event in three years because of the COVID hysteria and lockdowns. Titled “The Official Kickoff of the Return to […]

M.V. Food Bank – Feeding Families Since 1991

M.V. Food Bank – Feeding Families Since 1991

  By: Kane Peaslee Merrimack Valley Food Bank is a 501c-3 Regional Food Distribution Center in Lowell, Massachusetts that provides nutritious food and freedom from hunger to the low income, homeless and the hungry. The MVFB distributes food to many of the local food pantrys, senior citizen complexes, shelters, school department, and group homes in […]

Air Force Veteran John MacDonald Pt. 1 ~ HERO IN OUR MIDST – VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH

Air Force Veteran John MacDonald Pt. 1 ~ HERO IN  OUR MIDST – VALLEY PATRIOT OF THE MONTH

  By: John Cuddy – Feb.  2022 This month is a rare, second interview with a local Veteran, first interviewed by our editor Tom Duggan in October of 2016. Since that time, US Air Force Veteran John MacDonald, has been very busy, assisting Veterans throughout the Merrimack Valley and the United States. Had a meeting […]

20 Years Later – America Disgraces Our 9/11 Heroes ~PAYING ATTENTION with TOM DUGGAN

20 Years Later – America Disgraces Our 9/11 Heroes ~PAYING ATTENTION with TOM DUGGAN

Sept, 2021 Twenty years ago this nation was attacked by Muslim Terrorists who hate this country because we do not subjugate our women, we do not believe in violence committed in the name of our “god” and we allow our citizens the freedom to make their own decisions. We remember the towers coming down that […]

Operation Delta Dog – Training Shelter Dogs to be Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD

Operation Delta Dog – Training Shelter Dogs to be Service Dogs for Veterans with PTSD

By: Kane – July, 2021 Operation Delta Dog, Ellie is a 7-month-old Nashua Police Tracking Dog in training and learning to be a Community Comfort Dog for Veterans and other community members. She is in the care of Operation Delta Dog’s lead trainer Carolyn Barney and started training and socialization with her handler from the […]

KANE’S CORNER – Bullied Breed Rescue

KANE’S CORNER – Bullied Breed Rescue

  Kane put on his thinking cap so he could pay special attention to what president Kelly Burns and Tommy the Pitt Bull Terrier had to say about their nonprofit organization Bullied Breed Rescue. Kane also a rescue felt he would learn how Bullied Breed gives dogs like Tommy a chance to find a loving […]

Valley Patriot Celebrating 17 Years – and Counting ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (03/21) –

Valley Patriot Celebrating 17 Years – and Counting ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (03/21) –

March, 2021 Seventeen years ago, this month, the very first Valley Patriot rolled off the printing press at Graphic Development in Hanover, Massachusetts. We remember the predictions of local politicians who said we would be out of business in 3 months, laughing at the idea that anyone would take this monthly publication seriously. We also […]

State Legislature Extended 2020 Session to Get More Done During Pandemic

State Legislature Extended 2020 Session to Get More Done During Pandemic

By: Linda Dean Campbell The State Legislature extended its two-year session past the usual July 31st end date in order to continue legislating during the pandemic. While we have accomplished a great deal, so much remains to be done to continue state funding of critical services related to the pandemic, pass important legislation, support cities […]

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