Meet The News Bosses Same As The Old Bosses

  By: Jeff Katz – November, 2012 The election where the worst president in history should have been shown the door is over and the Dear Leader has actually been re-elected. By every reasonable measure Barack Obama has been an abject failure as President of the United States. Unemployment continues to rage out of control, […]

Nope, The Shriners Convention had Nothing on These Guys

Nope, The Shriners Convention had Nothing on These Guys

By: Jeff Katz – September, 2012 Every four years our political parties hold conventions for the purpose of writing a platform and nominating a couple of folks to lead the free world. In between those functions, we get to see a bunch of balloons and really silly hats and we are entertained with any number […]

Chick-Fil-A, The Intolerance of “Tolerance”

Chick-Fil-A, The Intolerance of “Tolerance”

By: Jeff Katz – August, 2012 “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. For me as a Christian, it is also a sacred union, you know? God is in the mix.” With those words, Dan Cathy the Chief Operating Officer of Chick-Fil-A started a firestorm. The press declared those […]

The Tea Party on Trial, Again

The Tea Party on Trial, Again

By: Christine Morabito – (August, 2012) With predictable swiftness, the mainstream media rushed to blame the Tea Party following the movie theater murders in Aurora, Colorado. This time the stone was cast by ABC news correspondent Brian Ross, who apparently slept through his journalism class on libel law. When their researchers conducted an online search […]

Roberts Ruling Reflux: Tortured Logic

Roberts Ruling Reflux: Tortured Logic

By: Jeff Katz As I sit down to write this, it is a little more than one week since the Supreme Court of the United States handed down their decision on President Barack Obama’s “health care” law. It really is essential to place the words health care in quotes, since Obamacare has precious little to […]

It’s time for us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

It’s time for us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

  By: Jeff Katz – May, 2011 Sporting his best Brooks Brothers casual while serving up chicken chili in a barnyard, Willard Mitt Romney made it officially official the other day while visiting his home State of New Hampshire that he was once again running for President of the United States. This announcement was completely […]

Disability for Criminals but not for the Disabled

Disability for Criminals but not for the Disabled

By: Jeff Katz – May, 2012 I’ve often shared the story of my daughter, Julia. My little princess is a beautiful girl who loves music, cookies, the ocean and summer breezes. She is nine years old and is just now learning to walk, small little Frankenstein like steps but steps none the less. We still […]

Media Narrative in Trayvon Martin Case

Media Narrative in Trayvon Martin Case

  By: Jeff Katz – April, 2012 The fine people of Sanford, Florida have recently had to welcome the circus to town. The visit of one of the greatest shows on earth follows the killing of a seventeen year old man named Trayvon Martin. Martin was shot and killed by George Zimmerman a little over […]

The Republican Primary

The Republican Primary

We are a country which desperately needs a visionary and a leader   By Jeff Katz – April, 2012 As I write this, we are a few days out from the Michigan Republican primary and the race continues to evolve. For the past month, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has been leading former Massachusetts Governor […]

Romney Attack Machine in Overdrive

Romney Attack Machine in Overdrive

 By: Jeff Katz – March, 2012 As I write this, we are a few days out from the Michigan Republican primary and the race continues to evolve. For the past month, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has been leading former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. In fact, at times, Santorum’s lead has been shown to be […]

The Sad, Surprising Tale of Chuck Turner

The Sad, Surprising Tale of Chuck Turner

  By: Jeff Katz – February, 2012 It is a very rare occasion when I am surprised by a politician’s action. At this point in my life, I’d like to think I’ve seen it all. Growing up in Philadelphia, where we routinely had 75% or higher voter turnout from cemeteries, I learned that death did […]

Some New Year Thoughts for 2012

Some New Year Thoughts for 2012

By: Jeff Katz – January, 2012 In 2011, the third House Speaker in a row, here in Massachusetts, became a convicted felon and is now a guest at Club Fed for the next seven years or so. A few lesser Massachusetts politicos also traded their given names for assigned numbers this past year, as well. […]