GLTS Dedicates Science & Technology Center

ANDOVER- The Greater Lawrence Technical School unveiled the new Science and Technology wing last month and dedicated it to a lifelong advocate of the vocational school, Evelyn Burke. Mrs. Burke has been a member of the Technical School Committee for eighteen years, was treasurer of the board for twelve years and was a nursing instructor […]

Uncertainty Looms For Veterans Stadium

By: Tom Duggan – September, 2004  LAWRENCE – After more than thirty years of neglect and empty promises by elected officials, the Veterans Memorial Stadium has finally become a priority for government leaders in the city. In an unusual display of cooperation, Mayor Michael Sullivan and the Lawrence City Council worked out a $30 million capital […]

Brooks School Summer Camp Conducts Mock Marriage Ceremonies with Same Sex Children

  By: Tom Duggan – September 2004 NORTH ANDOVER – Children attending the Brooks School summer camp this year were encouraged to get “married” during carnival day where a mock marriage booth was set up for children to “marry” each other. According to several children who attended the day camp and two sets of parents […]



Lawrence School Committee uses State Tax Dollars on Cell Phones…for Themselves   By: Tom Duggan – July, 2004   LAWRENCE- In the first three parts of this series, The Valley Patriot reported that Lawrence School Committee members had:  1) wasted thousands of dollars on lavish meals at the One Mill Street restaurant at state taxpayers’ […]

Lawrence School Committee Trip Included Stay at Walt Disney World

Lawrence School Committee Trip Included Stay at Walt Disney World

By: Tom Duggan – May, 2004    While other communities in the Merrimack Valley are counting every penny and making difficult cuts to services and personnel, foregoing luxuries like out-of-state travel, and appealing to the state for more funding, the Lawrence School Committee appears not to have similar concerns.   Last month, while no other superintendent […]

Education Myths Debunked by Real Life Examples

PAYING ATTENTION WITH TOM DUGGAN   By: Tom Duggan – May, 2004 Recent headlines in Merrimack Valley newspapers have proven that the sacred cow ideologies of public education espoused by liberals are in fact, myths. Myth #1 Money equals education: Most people have bought into the myth that spending more money on education results in […]

Lawrence School Committee Bills Taxpayers for Fine Dining

Tom Duggan 03-08-04 For the past three years members of the Lawrence School Committee have been billing the taxpayers for plush dining at the city’s most expensive restaurant: One Mill Street. Then School Committeemen Noah Shannon, Pedro Arce, Suzanne Piscitello, Nancy Kennedy and current member George Gonzalez all dined with Superintendent Wilfredo Laboy and his […]

MA Lt. Gov. Healey Calls for Senator Kerry to Resign While Running for President

  Tom Duggan – 2004 WAKEFIELD – Lt. Governor Kerry Murphy Healey called for the resignation of Senator John Kerry yesterday before a packed room of Republican supporters at the Sheraton in Wakefield. Introducing former EPA Secretary (and former New Jersey Governor) Christie Todd Whitman to the group of GOP loyalists, Healey said that Kerry […]

North Andover High School on Warning of Losing Accreditation

North Andover High School on Warning of Losing Accreditation

  By: Tom Duggan – February, 2004 North Andover Superintendent Harry Harutunian informed the School Committee and the public that North Andover High School has been put on warning of losing its accreditation by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). But, Harutunian said that the NEASC report was faulty because it was based […]

Outgoing President, Devers Says Council Drove Last Two Years

Outgoing President, Devers Says Council Drove Last Two Years

(on Loan from Tom Duggan’s Private Archive)   Text of Marcos Devers’ Speech 01/02/2004  Good evening:  Mr. Mayor, City Councilors, current and past authorities, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we are saying farewell to two years of great achievements performed by the City Council that served during the term 2002-2004. Councilors Alvarez-Rodriguez, Blanchette, Dimarca, Frechette, Gosselin, Kolofoles, […]

Blanchette Chosen as Council President Frechette elected Vice President in Lawrence

Vote Latino Campaign still Sore Spot with Some   By: Tom Duggan – January 2, 2004 Lawrence – District “A” (Prospect Hill) Councilor Patrick Blanchette was elected president of the Lawrence City Council Friday night after the swearing in of all new city officials. Blanchette faced opposition from Carlos Matos, a newcomer, who was nominated […]