Teachers Lives Matter ~ YE GAY OL’ VALLEY

Teachers Lives Matter ~ YE GAY OL’ VALLEY

By: Dani Langevin – Sept. 2016 Last month, Tom Duggan posted a comment asking people if they supported merit pay for teachers and the claws came out. I’ve been an educator for my entire adult life and I have never come face to face with anyone who expressed disdain for my field. I know few […]

The Proverbial Hobson’s Choice

The Proverbial Hobson’s Choice

By: Jeff Katz – July, 2016 The first time I voted in a Presidential election, I was able to vote with a completely clear conscience and with a degree of pride. I was young, but I was sure that my vote would count and that my choice would continue to work hard to strengthen America. […]

Salvatore’s Donates and Serves Gourmet Meal to Homeless in Lawrence

Salvatore’s Donates and Serves Gourmet Meal to Homeless in Lawrence

  With the Daybreak Homeless Shelter in Lawrence in desperate need of funding to care for the less fortunate, the new owner of Salvatore’s Restaurant, Mike Agricola, showed up last month with two of his staff, Eric Soucy and Joyce Philbrick, to lend a helping hand. “This is wonderful,” Carina Pappalardo, head of the Greater […]

Local Heroes Honored with The Officer Tom Duggan, Sr., Public Safety Awards

Local Heroes Honored with The Officer Tom Duggan, Sr., Public Safety Awards

    On March 16, 1990, Lawrence Police Officer Tom Duggan, Sr., lost his life in the line of duty. He was a man who loved being a police officer and lived his life responding to cries for help in the community. Each year, The Valley Patriot honors his service and sacrifice with “The Valley […]

Representative DiZoglio, Dr. Padmanabhan Win Newspaper’s Coveted 1st Amendment Award

Representative DiZoglio, Dr. Padmanabhan Win Newspaper’s Coveted 1st Amendment Award

  Methuen State Representative Diana DiZoglio and Cambridge Doctor Bharani Padmanabhan were both bestowed one of the highest honors by The Valley Patriot newspaper last month, when they were each given the newspaper’s First Amendment Award. Each year, The Valley Patriot’s 1st Amendment award is given to two individuals who show with their actions that […]

Kassandra Jean-Marie Wins Valley Patriot, Greater Lawrence Tech School Scholarship

Kassandra Jean-Marie Wins Valley Patriot, Greater Lawrence Tech School Scholarship

  For the second year in a row, The Valley Patriot awarded a scholarship to a student graduating from the Greater Lawrence Technical School in Andover. The winners are researched, interviewed and chosen by Greater Lawrence Technical School Committeeman Jessica Finocchiaro. “I’m proud to say this is the 2nd annual scholarship from The Valley Patriot […]

Two Lawrence High Seniors Win Valley Patriot Scholarship

Two Lawrence High Seniors Win Valley Patriot Scholarship

  The Valley Patriot newspaper granted two, $600 scholarships at the 12th Anniversary BASH last month thanks to the sponsors and advertisers of the paper. Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan told the crowd that originally the scholarship award was $400, “but thanks to our platinum sponsors Kevin Leach, Joe Zingales of Team Zingales-Remax and Mike […]

NAHS Chris Daniels Gets Scholarship, Advice from Hollywood Actor

NAHS Chris Daniels Gets Scholarship, Advice from Hollywood Actor

    Hollywood actor Steve Blackwood, who played a lead role on soap opera Days of Our Lives, appeared in TV shows like Quantum Leap, NYPD Blue, The Nanny and was in several major movies attended The Valley Patriot BASH, because, he said, he wanted to help present one of our scholarships and help give […]



HEROES – REP. DIANA DIZOGLIO (Methuen) and STATE SENATOR KATY IVES (Newburyport). Both DiZoglio and Ives worked tirelessly to get my public records bill a fair hearing in sub committees, made sure they were voted out of those committees favorably, held strong on penalties for law breakers, and then forced a full vote in the […]

The Fascinating Francis Phenomenon ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE

The Fascinating Francis Phenomenon ~ BENEATH THE SURFACE

By: Paul Murano – October, 2015 A very unexpected thing happened throughout the media and in the nation last week. We were inundated with all things pope. There was non-stop coverage of the papal visit on cable and network stations, even from those that normally spend their time criticizing and ridiculing the Catholic Church and […]

Paying Attention Radio FLASHBACK… Bruce Arnold Talks About his Military Service (November, 11, 2002)

Paying Attention Radio FLASHBACK… Bruce Arnold Talks About his Military Service (November, 11, 2002)

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN., RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Radio Legend Bruce Arnold, who spent more than 50 years in radio passed away this week. In 2002 Valley Patriot publisher Tom Duggan interviewed Bruce and his friend John Bassett about their service in the military. Paying Attention Radio was in it’s third year of broadcasting on the […]

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