Welcome to Sir Donald Berwick’s World, Pt. 1

By: Opinion Columnist Dr. Bharani Padmanabhan – September, 2013 In “Miss Smilla’s Feeling for Snow”, one of the best books humanity has produced, Peter Høeg writes about an alcoholic Greenlander who lost her husband – “She gazes at me helplessly. People die. You won’t get anywhere by wondering how or why.” I was instantly reminded […]

Methuen PD, Homeland Security, FBI, Seize AK-47 other Weapons

Methuen PD, Homeland Security, FBI, Seize AK-47 other Weapons

On Friday September 27, 2013 detectives from the Methuen Police Department working in conjunction with members of the FBI, ATF and Dept. of Homeland Security working on a tip, seized the following firearms after an investigation. 1 – AK-47 rifle variant described as a “WASR-10” with two 30 round banana clip magazines with 7.62cal rounds […]

NH’s voter ID Requirement Must be Protected from Baseless Attacks

NH’s voter ID Requirement Must be Protected from Baseless Attacks

By: D.J. Bettercourt – September, 2013 A vote is the ultimate equalizer in American politics. The idea that every citizen, regardless of race, gender or background, is awarded the same power of choice and influence in the voting booth has been the backbone of the American electoral system. This has been predicated by the simple […]

Say No to War in Syria

By: D.J. Deeb – September, 2013 The United States is considering intervening in the civil war in Syria because of allegations that the Syrian government of Bashar Assad used chemical weapons in the conflict. If President Obama orders a military strike on Syria, it would constitute both an illegal and unconstitutional action on the part […]

Former Mayoral Candidates Unite Against Lantigua – Endorse Rivera for Mayor

Former Mayoral Candidates Unite Against Lantigua – Endorse Rivera for Mayor

By: Tom Duggan – September 20, 2013 (11pm) OTHER LAWRENCE STORIES PHOTO GALLERY OF THIS EVENT Three of the four failed candidates for Lawrence mayor: James O’Donoghue, Juan Gonzalez and Marcos Devers stood with Lawrence City Councilor Dan Rivera Friday, at the end of the Casey Bridge to endorse Rivera’s candidacy against Lawrence Mayor Willie […]

YE GAY OL’ VALLEY – Choosing and Being a Step-Parent

YE GAY OL’ VALLEY – Choosing and Being a Step-Parent

By Dani Lanvgevin – September Too many of us find ourselves divorced. For those of us with children, this means that we may find ourselves looking for another partner who will be able to love us, as well as our children. Too many times, however, people only settle for the first part. This is not […]

Follow The Money Taxes, Taxes and More Taxes

By: Staphanie Davis – September, 2013 “If it moves, tax it; if it keeps moving, regulate it; if it stops moving, subsidize it.” – Ronald Reagan On Beacon Hill, motor vehicles, cigarettes and technology are prime movers, judging by the latest round of tax increases including: a 14% gas tax hike from $0.21/gallon to $0.24/gallon; […]

Lt. Colonel Allen West: Race, Poverty, and the Dependency Culture: PART I

AN EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW WITH LT COLONEL ALLEN WEST   Transcribed by Kathleen Laplante Valley Patriot Publisher Tom Duggan (TD), and Christine Morabito (CM), President of the Greater Boston Tea Party sat down with former Congressman, and Lt. Colonel Allen West to discuss issues such as race, the future of the republican party, the news media’s […]

Responding to the Overuse of Psychotropic Drugs for Seniors

By: State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives, September, 2013 In 2007 a federal audit found that about one in seven elderly residents were being given antipsychotic medication in nursing homes despite the fact that those drugs carry a “black box” warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A “black box” warning is designed to call […]

Vet to Vet Services Comes Alive in Lawrence as Part of College Project

Vet to Vet Services Comes Alive in  Lawrence as Part of College Project

By: Tom Duggan – September, 2013 Jay Landry is an adult student at Springfield College who is taking human service courses at the school. Born and raised in Amesbury, the Methuen resident had no idea when he enrolled in Springfield College to get his bachelors of science degree in human services, that he would be […]

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