Hit a Dog, Pull Over …it is the LAW!

  By: Tracey Zysk – November, 2011 As a dog walker with a majority of my dogs on Waverly, Mass Ave and the side roads in between, I instantly got a really sick feeling in my stomach. I knew, I didn’t know which one, but I knew by the feeling I had, one of my […]

A Business in Crisis A Company in Decline

  By: Michael Salach – November, 2011 One day a business will be sold, acquired, merged or transferred, and therefor, (unfortunately), according to a joint study (by McKinsey Consulting and The London School of Economics), approximately one third (1/3) of its value is lost as the firm declines in performance from performing to Turnaround. What’s […]

Economics 999 at New Hampshire presidential debate

  By: Alex Talcott – November, 2011 Hanover, NH – Long before Republican voters and the media class turned blue holding their breath for a white-knight 2012 presidential candidate, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg publicly decided against a run in late 2010. The business and financial television network bearing his name broadcasted a presidential […]

Booing Gay Soldier Should be Denounced

Valley Patriot Editorial October, 2011 Last month a gay soldier asked a question during a Fox News, Republican presidential debate. While asking his question via satellite, one man in the crowd booed the soldier. We do not know exactly why the audience member was booing; we do know that no loyal American soldier should be […]

Ron Paul’s Dangerous Ideas

Ron Paul’s Dangerous Ideas

Valley Patriot Editorial   October, 2011 Presidential candidate Ron Paul continues to promote the flawed concept that terrorists should be protected by the constitution. He recently decried the killing of Al-Queda operative Al-Awlaki, saying that because the Muslim terrorist was an American citizen he should have been arrested, prosecuted and tried in a criminal courtroom. […]

On Taking the High Road: Mayoral Candidates’ Families in Spotlight

  By: Diana Fay DiZoglio – November, 2011 At polling locations across the Commonwealth this past Tuesday, families of candidates came face to face with their challenger’s family. Many were forced to hold signs alongside their challenger’s kin for hours at the polls. As anyone who has ever volunteered in a campaign can attest, come […]

Ask the Reverse Mortgage Guy

  By: Robert Irving – October, 2011 September has been a busy month with the American Legion. On September 1, we had a new National Commander, Fang Wong of New York elected and installed at the National Convention in Minneapolis. He is the first Chinese-American to be National American Legion Commander. Past Hampden County Commander […]

Senator Tarr, Rep. Vallee to File Bill for Active Duty License Plates

Senator Tarr, Rep. Vallee to File Bill for  Active Duty License Plates

    By: Senator Bruce Tarr– October, 2011 Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) and State Representative James E. Vallee (D-Franklin) announced today they will be filing legislation requiring the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) to provide special active duty license plates to Massachusetts residents currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces. The proposal would […]

October is National Adopt a Dog Month

  By: Tracey Zysk – October, 2011 Well when you have three animal writers for the Valley Patriot all PRO ADOPTION…you know we are all very excited about the month of October being the American Humane Association Adopt a Dog Month. Why adopt? Well why wouldn’t you? There seems to be many misbelieve and stereotypes […]


By: Cathy Richards – October, 2011 Fall is here!! This is my favorite time of year, as it is for many of you. Dracut started this fall with two spectacular events that are worth reviewing and appreciating as a reflection of the kind of community she is proud to be. The first noteworthy event was […]