VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ Lantigua Still Controls the Lawrence City Council (Jan. 2015)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ Lantigua Still Controls the Lawrence City Council (Jan. 2015)

With all of the problems facing the City of Lawrence, the city council is focusing their efforts on protecting political hacks in city hall and attacking Mayor Dan Rivera. Last month, the council considered a vote of “no confidence” in Mayor Rivera claiming he is playing politics with his firing of Lantigua appointees. The narrative […]

Don’t Overeat Anymore! Don’t Smoke or You Will Die! Stop Worrying! Relax!

Don’t Overeat Anymore! Don’t Smoke or You Will Die! Stop Worrying! Relax!

By: Jerry Valley – December, 2014 While these words might work, they also might incite and conger up resistance, anger and non-compliance as the subconscious mind could see those words as a challenge and could negate the suggestion. Our subconscious minds will only accept, in most cases, simple and positive suggestions. My associate hypnotist, Tommy […]

You Have No Right to Resist Arrest

You Have No Right to Resist Arrest

By: Joe D’Amore – December, 2014 Somewhere in America today there are law enforcement officers that wear the uniform , a gun and a badge and perpetrate the greatest discharge of public trust because they are thugs. There are also criminals-some petty, some serious that perpetually push the envelope of civility through their derelict and […]

Government Waste Hurts our Veterans ~ Notes from The American Legion

Government Waste Hurts our Veterans ~ Notes from The American Legion

By: John Lenotte, American Legion December, 2014 As the Christmas and New Year’s holidays are upon us, let us not forget the men and women in our military, most of who will not be with their families this season. This is a sacrifice that most cannot imagine unless they have been through it. Ask what […]

Some Patients Pay More and May Not Keep their Doctor – By Dr. Frank MacMillan

Some Patients Pay More and May Not Keep their Doctor – By Dr. Frank MacMillan

By: Dr. Frank MacMillan – December, 2014 While I consider myself well read and I work hard to remain connected to and aware of changes happening in medicine, I have only recently become knowledgeable about a new program being rolled out by CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) on January 1, 2015 that may […]

Feeding the Crocodile by Forest Rain, Valley Patriot Israeli Columnist

Feeding the Crocodile by Forest Rain, Valley Patriot Israeli Columnist

  By, Forest Rain – December, 2104 There is a new trend in Europe. Parliaments in various European countries are holding “symbolic votes” to “recognize the State of Palestine.” These votes are symbolic in that they don’t have the power to create a Palestinian State. There is no state called “Palestine”, and historically there is […]

Death Without Dignity – TEEN TALK with ANA DEBERNARDO

Death Without Dignity – TEEN TALK with ANA DEBERNARDO

By: Ana DeBernardo – December, 2014 One of the strongest arguments for physician assisted suicide is the idea of “Death with Dignity.” People claim that their life is theirs and only theirs, and that no one should have the right to decide when to end it but them. If a man is diagnosed with a […]

“Revenue Estimates: the Most Important Legislative Battle of 2015”

“Revenue Estimates: the Most Important Legislative Battle of 2015”

  By: DJ Bettencourt – December, 2014 This month, the newly elected members of the New Hampshire Legislature officially took office. Despite most of the attention focusing on legislative leadership battles and a shocking upset in the Speaker of the House race, the most important battle of the 2015-2016 legislative session is likely to be […]

7 Warning Signs That an Older Relative Could Use More Support

7 Warning Signs That an Older Relative Could Use More Support

By: Greg Batchelder, December, 2014 I have found over my many years of working in the senior living industry that holiday visits are often a wake-up call for adult children who realize their parent isn’t doing all that well living alone. Although it can be tough facing the reality of elderly relatives more frail or […]

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