Methuen Councilor Calls for Police Investigation of McQuillan’s Interference in Hiring Process

ANOTHER… VALLEY PATRIOT EXCLUSIVE! By: Tom Duggan – March 29, 2013 Less than a day after the Valley Patriot broke a story about Methuen City Solicitor Peter McQuillan interfering with the hiring process for his replacement, City Councilor Tom Ciulla is calling for a police investigation into McQuillan’s actions.  The Valley Patriot revealed Thursday night […]

All 3 Republican Candidates for US Senate Speak to North Andover Activists

All 3 Republican Candidates for US Senate Speak to North Andover Activists

The North Andover Republican Town Committee held their annual Sring Fling at the China Blossom Restaurant on Thursday, March 14, 2013. All three republican candidates for United States Senate spoke to the crowd of republican activists. Here is what they had to say (we apologize for the video quality)   Gabriel Gomez Michael Sullivan  Dan […]

American Majority Campaign Training

“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end  up being governed by your inferiors.” — Plato   The Greater Boston Tea Party and Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance invite you to attend American Majority’s New Leaders Campaign Training This training is for all who are interested in learining how to change their communities […]

The War on The Poor & Taxpayers is Going Well

By: Christine Morabito, President Gr. Boston Tea Party – February 2013 Governor Deval Patrick claims his budget for fiscal year 2014 promises “a better Commonwealth for the next generation.” – That is, if they can afford to live here. On January 16, the Patrick administration introduced “The Way Forward,” an ambitious proposal to tax the […]

Lawrence Councilor LaPlante Responds to Mayor Lantigua’s State of the City Address

“He did make mention during his speech that crime was the lowest in ten years. That’s not the case. It’s actually a 36% increase in felonious crimes since Lantigua has been in office. That increase was on his watch. That translates to 665 felonious incidents above average. That’s a huge impact on the people and […]

Lynch to Announce Candidacy for Senate

  Our Valley Patriot source at the Stephen Lynch campaign says that Congressman’s Stephen Lynch will announce for US Senate, Thursday, January 31st, 3:30PM at Iron Workers Local Union #7,195 Old Colony Avenue, South Boston, MA 02127  Lynch will be announcing his candidacy for United States Senate in the upcoming special election to replace John Kerry. […]

From the VAURA Patriot – Alex Talcott’s Political Notebook

* Go to hell or off fiscal cliff?: ABC News reporter Sunlen Miller, who has the U.S. Senate beat, noted on New Year’s Eve the debate-opening prayer of Senate Chaplain Barry Black: “Lift them from the darkness of hopelessness.” Amen. But aw heck—a public records search shows that in addition to cushy federal benefits, we […]

School Committeeman Chaisson in Methuen Says Tribune Attack on his Family “Disgusting”

School Committeeman Chaisson in Methuen Says Tribune Attack on his Family “Disgusting”

WEB EXTRA!   SAYS HE WILL BE CANDIDATE FOR WEST END DISTRICT COUNCIL By: Tom Duggan – January 14, 2013 Methuen School Committeeman Evan Chaisson says he is “disgusted” with The Eagle~Tribune after the once thriving daily newspaper published an “article” on Monday making it look like his sister was hired as a teacher because […]

The Redefining of America

  By: Peter Larocque – December 2012 What we all witnessed early Wednesday morning, November 7, 2012, the day after the election for the Presidency of the United States of America, didn’t just begin a few days before. It was a long time in the making. I have listened to many reasons, countless amounts of […]

Playing the Class Envy Card

  By: Ralph Wilbur – December 2012 The difference between the tax rate on earned income versus the rate on income generated from capital gains has lent some success to Obama’s “envy the rich” campaign. It has given Democrats the edge in demagoguery by implying that millionaires like Warren Buffett get taxed less than their […]

More than $9 million spent on statewide ballot questions in 2012

More than $9 million spent on statewide ballot questions in 2012

   More than $9 million was spent to influence three questions put before the voters on the 2012 statewide ballot, according to disclosure reports filed by ballot question committees with the Office of Campaign and Political Finance (OCPF).  OCPF’s review of ballot question committee activity showed a total of $9,304,909 spent by 13 committees on […]

Tom Duggan’s Notebook – November, 2012

FROM THE PAGES OF VALLEY PATRIOT PUBLISHER, TOM DUGGAN’S NOTEBOOK November, 2012   PANTS ON FIRE AWARD – Of all the candidates telling all the lies they could this election season, by far the winner of the Valley Patriot’s “Pants on Fire Award” for the 2012 election goes to Congressman John Tierney. Tierney took a […]

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