Message to Tea Party: Scott Brown is NOT the Enemy

It’s time to stop circling the wagons and shooting IN Christine Morabito – April, 2012 The Tea Party’s relationship with U.S. Senator Scott Brown has been dysfunctional at best.  In February, leaders from 7 Massachusetts Tea Parties sat down with Brown’s staff to establish an open dialogue and express concerns about his voting record. Despite […]

The Republican Primary

The Republican Primary

We are a country which desperately needs a visionary and a leader   By Jeff Katz – April, 2012 As I write this, we are a few days out from the Michigan Republican primary and the race continues to evolve. For the past month, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has been leading former Massachusetts Governor […]

Conservative Frank McMillan Running for North Andover Town Moderator

March, 2012 Dr. Frank MacMillan, Jr. is running for Town Moderator in North Andover with a campaign theme of finding “The Right Balance.” In these tough political and economic times, Frank brings a varied background in leadership, learning and character, the Right Balance of qualities that will serve North Andover well. As a medical doctor […]

Newcomer Defeats Lantigua on Democrat Committee

Newcomer Defeats Lantigua on Democrat Committee

By: Gary Manion – March, 2012 On Super Tuesday the voters of Lawrence, Tewksbury, Dracut and Andover not only cast votes for President but voted for local and state party committees. Lawrence’s Mayor William Lantigua was on the ballot to be reelected to the Democrat State Committee. His only opponent was Lawrence District “C” City […]

Romney Attack Machine in Overdrive

Romney Attack Machine in Overdrive

 By: Jeff Katz – March, 2012 As I write this, we are a few days out from the Michigan Republican primary and the race continues to evolve. For the past month, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has been leading former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. In fact, at times, Santorum’s lead has been shown to be […]

The Tyranny of Despots and Buffoons

The Tyranny of Despots and Buffoons

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX   By:Dr. Charles Ormsby – March, 2012 Can’t they just leave us alone? Why must they constantly meddle in our affairs? They are like overbearing busybodies with a congenital case of ego elephantiasis. Or is it arrogance elephantiasis? As children grow up they eventually outgrow the need for parental guidance. The […]

Newt Gingrich: The Best Republican Candidate for President

Newt Gingrich: The Best Republican Candidate for President

Only Gingrich Can Institute the Fundamental Reforms Needed to Return America to Its Founding Principles and to the Prosperity That Will Quickly Follow  VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL! Today,America is stuck on stupid. We are mired in the leftist claims of entitlement and the promise that our prosperity can be achieved through a national policy of wealth […]

Tisei, kicks off campaign to unseat Tierney

Tisei, kicks off campaign to unseat Tierney

By: Tom Duggan – December, 2011 Wakefield – Former State Senator and candidate for Lt. Governor Richard Tisei announced last month that he will seek the republican nomination for congress in the hopes of unseating democrat John Tierney. Flanked by supporters and members of the media, Tisei said that he was going to make jobs […]

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

Speaker Gingrich talks about The Border, EPA, Education and More   Tom Duggan, Christine Morabito, Justess Bowles November, 2011 The Valley Patriot was invited to sit with Former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Valley Patriot President Tom Duggan, Tea Party Columnist Christine Morabito and College student Justess Bowles sat with Speaker […]

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