Zimini, Paquette & Jenkins Are Best for Dracut

  By: D.J. Deeb – April, 2011 The Dracut Town elections are just a few short weeks away on Monday, May 2nd. A debt exclusion issue, the Selectmen, School Committee, and Town Moderator seats are proving to be most contentious races this year. As I wrote in last month’s column, the Massachusetts School Building Authority […]

Voters Speak in Town Elections in North Andover

Voters Speak in Town Elections in North Andover

  Voters of North Andover voters went to the polls last month and decided on who will represent them on the Board of Selectman, School Committee and Technical School Committee. Voters chose two candidates to represent them on the Board of Selectmen out of four candidates: Selectmen Tracy Watson and Rick Nardella and challengers Don […]

Selectman Don Stewart: I’ve Been Offered Bribes

 North Andover Selectman Says North Andover is Corrupt   By: Tom Duggan – March, 2011 NORTH ANDOVER – Last month former North Andover Selectman Don Stewart called into the Paying Attention! radio program with Tom Duggan on WHAV.NET to discuss his campaign to recapture a seat on the board. He faces two incumbents: Tracy Watson […]

Today is definitely a shouting kind of day

Today is definitely a shouting kind of day

  By: Jeff Katz – March, 2011 Every once in a while, you have to shake your head and mutter Whiskey Tango Foxtrot under your breath. Every so often, it becomes necessary to shout it. Today is definitely a shouting kind of a day. The new Governor of Wisconsin recently began to ask some simple, […]

Judicial Watch vs. the Swamp Creatures

By: Christine Morabito – January, 2011  Four years ago House Speaker Nancy Pelosi promised to “drain the swamp” of political corruption in our Nation’s Capital. A difficult task–especially for someone wallowing in her own scandalous ooze, accused of using military aircraft for her private and leisure travel. Not only did she break her promise, but […]

Dracut Voters Made the Right Choices!

  By: D.J. Deeb – December, 2010 Dracut residents chose their candidates and issues wisely in the November 2nd statewide election. Although the state of Massachusetts voted for higher taxes and bigger government, Dracut voters made the right decisions. First off, Dracut School Committee Chairman Matt Sheehan lost his bid as an Independent candidate for […]

Hope and Change

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL NOVEMBER, 2010   Election night 2010 was stunning for many here in Massachusetts, but the results were not always what we hoped for. Many of us worked hard on campaigns, taking time away from families and jobs to help elect our favorite candidates. When the candidates we worked for were defeated, it […]

The Shallow World of Politics

  By: Paul Murano – November, 2010 Okay, so Republicans have picked up major gains in this midterm election. Is this something conservatives should celebrate? Does it mean the country is turning right? Not at all. It is a pattern that has been happening for decades. There are basically two reasons people win major elections […]

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