Lawrence Uses Education Funds for Inaugural Party

Lawrence Uses Education Funds for Inaugural Party

  By: Tom Duggan – March 2006 While suburban cities and towns like North Andover are cutting their teaching staff and eliminating art and music programs due to lack of funding, Wilfredo Laboy and the Lawrence School Committee have chosen to use state education dollars for out of state travel conferences (to the tune of $4,000) […]

Hero in Our Midst – Ed Mitchell – Valley Patriot of the Month, March, 2006

By: Ted Tripp – March, 2006 NORTH ANDOVER- An electrical short circuit had forced early termination of the dive of the Navy’s Deep Submergence Research Vehicle, Turtle. As the Turtle returned to its support ship and was loaded on board, the electrical problem turned into a raging fire that threatened the sub, the support ship […]

Sex Ed Reform

Sex Ed Reform

What Does Your Fifth Grader Know About AIDS? February, 2006 Does your fifth grader know about AIDS? Does your fifth grader know of the “myths of AIDS”? Do you want your fifth grader being taught about AIDS in school?  Many parents in North Andover this week are asking themselves these same questions after their children […]

Hero in our Midst – William Callahan – Valley Patriot of the Month

Hero in our Midst – William Callahan – Valley Patriot of the Month

By: Tom Duggan -January, 2006 NORTH ANDOVER – Lawrence native Bill Callahan served his country in two wars, World War II and the Korean War. After completing his military service, he has also spent decades volunteering in the community and working to help others. When Bill Callahan graduated from Lawrence High School in 1945, the […]

Sullivan and Healey Will Make a Great Team

EDITORIAL  When the average voter goes to the polls during local elections, he is usually not thinking of party politics.  During local races, average voters look at individual candidates and cast a vote based upon which man or woman can serve their community better. A candidate’s party affiliation rarely comes to play during local races. […]

Why Attend Town Meeting?

November 14, 2005   North Andover is having its Special Town Meeting on December 5, 2005, yet everyone I speak to want to know why. The meeting was initially scheduled so that voters could decide on whether or not to rezone the Lucent Technologies site now owned by Ozzy Properties. Ozzy Properties want to rezone […]

Feds Say N. A. Schools Failing

  By: Tom Duggan – October, 2005 Last month the North Andover School Committee approved measures to evaluate academic expectations and goals for students in the North Andover School System. School Committee member Charles Ormsby made a motions, which was unanimously approved. The motion was to intended to support the school committee initiatives adopted last […]

Hero in our Midst – Pfc. Alexander “Alex” Milne – Valley Patriot of the Month (9-05)

  By: Charles Ormsby – September, 2005 NORTH ANDOVER – Alexander Milne rarely speaks of his wartime experiences, even with fellow veterans. Such conversations were uncommon even with his brother, Donald, who served on the Battleship Texas at Normandy, Iwo Jima and Okinawa, and who passed away two years ago. Alex found it difficult to […]

Another Shutout!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   June, 2005 Teachers Union 10, Children and North Andover Taxpayers 0 Get ready for the hand wringing! Next spring you will hear about the massive cuts in services and the need to layoff approximately two-dozen of North Andover’s teaching staff. Intense pressure will be brought to bear on fire, police and public […]

If You Can’t Make History Try Re-Writing It (opinion)

If You Can’t Make History Try Re-Writing It (opinion)

By: Ralph Wilbur – May, 2005   During the “Public Participation” portion of the North Andover School Committee Meeting on April 12th, Ms. Cynthia Jalbert rose to complain about the brochure I distributed before North Andover’s recent town election. Specifically, she suggested that my praise for Dr. Ormsby’s efforts to improve the quality of education […]

Cheaper Electric Rates

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   April, 2005 Last month North Andover voters rejected another property tax override for a new police station. This means town officials will have to get creative if they want to find revenue for a new police station or any other capital project in the near future. The voters of North Andover […]