Sunshine saves taxpayers $7.5M

Sunshine saves taxpayers $7.5M

  Gr. Lawrence Technical School first school in Massachusetts to get 100% of their electricity from solar farm  By: Jessica Finocchiaro – August, 2015 Did you know the Greater Lawrence Technical School (GLTS) officially became the first school in Massachusetts to be 100% powered by solar energy? Borrego Solar Systems Inc. and GLTS students constructed […]

Despite Media Reports, Lawrence 911 Dispatcher is Not Suspended for Hanging up on Spanish Speaking Callers

Despite Media Reports, Lawrence 911 Dispatcher is Not Suspended for Hanging up on Spanish Speaking Callers

By: Tom Duggan – August, 2015 Explosive new details have come to light revealing that viral media reports on a 911 dispatcher in Lawrence, whose “job is on the line” over hanging up on Spanish-speaking callers … is false. CBS news and other outlets reported this week “A 911 dispatcher’s job is on the line […]

Political Campaign Season Begins in Lawrence

Political Campaign Season Begins in Lawrence

By: Kathy Runge – August 2015 We’re starting campaign season and I’m already preparing myself for the onslaught of robo-calls and junk mail we’ll be receiving in a couple of months. Please don’t vote for candidates that spend thousands of dollars trying to impress you. The more money a local candidate receives in donations, the […]

Shenanigans in Salisbury ~ Violating the Open Meeting Law and the First Amendment

Shenanigans in Salisbury ~ Violating the Open Meeting Law and the First Amendment

  Last month while watching the Salisbury Selectmen meeting, I noticed how openly and blatantly they violate their own policies for public participation at their meetings. I also noticed how they rudely talk over members of the public and try to silence those who have something to say that the selectmen would rather conceal. They call public […]

From North Andover to London My Year Abroad

From North Andover to London My Year Abroad

By: Vipsania Pimentel – August, 2015 While most of my classmates were getting ready to enter the real working world after our college graduation, I was packing a suitcase, and getting ready to move thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean. After studying abroad in Florence, Italy as an undergraduate, I never imagined that I […]

As O’Brien Exits the New Hampshire Political Stage, an Intimate Reflection on his Legacy

As O’Brien Exits the New Hampshire Political Stage, an Intimate Reflection on his Legacy

By: DJ Bettencourt – August, 2015 The announced retirement last month of former New Hampshire House Speaker Bill O’Brien is certain to set off reflections and reactions from across the political spectrum as the legislative session winds down next year. To his liberal critics, the departure of their favorite boogeyman is bittersweet. While they were […]

Dr. Gomer Turns Eyesore in Lawrence Into Jewel of the Neighborhood

Dr. Gomer Turns Eyesore in Lawrence Into Jewel of the Neighborhood

After a year of construction work, Dr. Gomer finally announced the opening of his new location for Mount Vernon Dental Solutions. The new dental office was built in place of an old Julie and Wendy’s convenience store that was abandoned for a long time. Last month, Lawrence officials attended a ribbon cutting at Mount Vernon […]

Teacher Speaks Out on Poor Treatment in Lawrence Schools

Teacher Speaks Out on Poor Treatment  in Lawrence Schools

By: Amy Berard – August, 2015 I am one of the 59 Lawrence teachers whose contract was not renewed this year. Recently, on June 11, you reported on this. I would like to share with you and possibly your readers my experience teaching within the Lawrence Public School District. I have taught in Lawrence at […]

SHENANIGANS! ~ Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

SHENANIGANS! ~ Paying Attention with Tom Duggan

Last month the Massachusetts Legislature delayed a scheduled vote on a public records reform bill after getting pressure from the very politicians who will have to pay the price for concealing such public documents. The Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) initially opposed the public records reform bill, but after realizing there was too much momentum in […]

Lawrence Mayor Rivera Opposes Sanctuary Cities, But Will Not Veto Council’s Decision

Lawrence Mayor Rivera Opposes Sanctuary Cities, But Will Not Veto Council’s Decision

Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera said Wednesday that even though he opposes making Lawrence a sanctuary city, he will not veto the city council’s vote Tuesday to stop criminal illegal aliens from being deported when arrested by Lawrence Police. Rivera said in a long statement (below) that vetoing the council’s decision will only drag out the process of an […]