Dan Cotnoir, Valley Patriot of the Month

Hero in Our Midst, Sgt. Dan Cotnoir, U.S. Marines Ordnance Maintenance Company, 4th Maintenance Battalion, Devens, MA   By: Tom Duggan In 2005, Sergeant Daniel Cotnoir of Lawrence was named Marine of the Year by the Marine Corps Times for his outstanding bravery and service to the United States.    Sgt. Dan Cotnoir began his military […]

A meeting with Senatorial Candidate Scott Brown

  By: Randall Miller- January, 2010 I recently had the pleasure of spending an evening with WBZ News Radio’s Dan Rea. Arriving early, I was pleasantly surprised to find State Senator (and U.S. Senate hopeful) Scott Brown (R) waiting outside of the production booth. I spent the better part of the next hour chatting with […]

Recovery Act Dollars being spent in The Valley

How Some of Your Money is Being Spent “Since Recovery Act dollars began to be released in March, the Fifth District has received more than $350 million, helping to create or save 1,600 jobs. This includes construction projects with Lowell Public Housing, Community Health Center expansions in Lawrence and Lowell, and double tracking along the […]

The Liberal/Socialist Alternatives

Select Just One: Prohibited or Mandatory THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX, WITH CHUCK ORMSBY    By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January, 2010  “The trouble with government regulation of the market is that it prohibits capitalistic acts between consenting adults.” – Robert Nozick  Are you tired of being a slave?  What did you say? You’re not a […]

The Government Healthcare Tar Baby (Opinion)

The Government Healthcare Tar Baby (Opinion)

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Charles Ormsby – September, 2009 Having consulted with their constituents over the August recess, our elected representatives will be heading back to Washington fully intending to ignore what they were told. Their meetings with voters ranged from respectful (Niki Tsongas) to downright contemptuous (Barney Frank) to non-existent (John Tierney). Presumably, […]

Massachusetts Congressional Delegation Betraying Our Most Precious Legacy

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL September, 2009 It took centuries of economic and political experimentation coupled with tremendous intellectual effort for human beings to discover the concept of individual liberty. It took the blood of millions to establish a beachhead for freedom and to protect it so it could grow and prosper. Now that precious legacy is being squandered […]

Obama Fostering Black Racism

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL August, 2009 Harvard’s Professor Gates and a friend, who are both black, locked themselves out of his Cambridge home and had to break into his house. This activity is spotted by a passer-by and reported to the police. No mention of the men’s skin color was mentioned during the call. The police arrive […]

Hazardous Waste Leak in Lawrence

Hazardous Waste Leak in Lawrence

By: Tom Duggan – August, 2009 First Mercury then Sodium Bisulfite When Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan found out that mercury was being illegally stored at the old water pumping station on South Street two months ago, he ordered Inspectional Services Director Myles Burke and the Lawrence Fire Department to inspect other city owned property to […]

Moon Walking While the World Burns

Moon Walking While the World Burns

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL   July, 2009 Less than a week ago, the world’s news outlets were filled with the sights and sounds of heroic Iranian citizens risking, and in many cases losing, their lives for freedom. Their government, intent upon perpetuating a seventh century philosophy that denies basic human liberties, had hijacked an election and then proceeded to brutally suppress the resulting protest […]

Lawrence Fined Nearly $50K for Failing to Test Drinking Water for Ecoli

Lawrence Fined Nearly $50K for Failing to Test Drinking Water for Ecoli

  By: Tom Duggan – July, 2009 Documents obtained by The Valley Patriot last month revealed that operators at the City of Lawrence’s brand new $26 million water treatment facility failed to test the city’s drinking water for a bacteria called E.coli from July 2008 to February 2009. The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) […]

Is it murder?

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL June, 2009 This past Sunday, a gunman fired one shot and killed famed abortionist George Tiller while he attended “church” services in Wichita, Kansas. Tiller is famous because he is one of very few abortionists who, for a handsome fee, will end the life of viable fetuses, sometimes in the 9th month. In most cases these […]

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX ~ Welcome to the Latest Government SNAFU

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX ~ Welcome to the Latest Government SNAFU

The Cause, The Cure, and The Obstacles to Recovery Part I By: Charles Ormsby – May, 2009  TANSTAAFL: “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch!” – Anonymous When economic decisions are based on political considerations and not on rational economic calculations, wealth is squandered and the economic piper must be paid. It is […]

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