Audit the Legislature, End the Secret Slush Funds! ~ Valley Patriot Editorial July, 2024

Audit the Legislature, End the Secret Slush Funds! ~ Valley Patriot Editorial July, 2024

July, 2024 Massachusetts State Auditor Diana DiZoglio has been on a personal mission since her days as a legislative aide on Beacon Hill back in 2011. That mission is to hold lawmakers accountable for the money they spend, the backroom deals they make, and the secrets they keep from the voters they are supposed to […]

Troubling Accusations Against Methuen Police ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (6-24)

Troubling Accusations Against Methuen Police ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (6-24)

6-24 A 26-page racism lawsuit filed against the Methuen Police Department by Methuen Police Sgt. Charles DeJesus reads like a 1970’s undercover Ku Klux Klan exposé. detective dejesus lawsuit (2) Accusations within the lawsuit seem so outrageous that it’s almost impossible to believe police officers and police superior officers would dare think – much less […]

Salisbury Officials Must Fire Lisa Pearson ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (05/24)

Salisbury Officials Must Fire Lisa Pearson ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (05/24)

05/14 Last month, The Valley Patriot published an exclusive report showing Salisbury Planning Director Lisa Pearson falsely accused Salisbury resident Ron Tony Giordano of being a registered sex offender to keep him off the town’s planning board. She did this simply because he threatened her stranglehold on power over local developers and private property rights. […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDTORIAL 03-24 ~ Grateful for 20 Years!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDTORIAL 03-24 ~ Grateful for 20 Years!

  3-24 Twenty years ago this month, (March 2004), the first edition of The Valley Patriot rolled off the printing presses at Graphic Development in Hanover, Massachusetts. We want to thank Bob Damon, Bill Samatis, Jay, Helen, and everyone at Graphic for providing great quality newsprint and carrying us through some very hard times, especially […]

Michelle Wu-Klux Klan is the New Democrat Party ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (1-24)

Michelle Wu-Klux Klan is the New Democrat Party ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (1-24)

January, 2024 It used to be that if an elected official said or did something blatantly racist – regardless of party affiliation – the leaders of the Democratic Party in Massachusetts would denounce them so viciously and so relentlessly that the offender would resign in disgrace and be completely unemployable. Now, they elect them to […]

Massachusetts Democrats Must Walk the Walk on Homelessness ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (12-23)

Massachusetts Democrats Must Walk the Walk on Homelessness ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (12-23)

12-23 Right now, there are tens of thousands of American citizens in Massachusetts who are homeless, jobless, hungry, and in desperate need of help. This is a human tragedy, and it is 100% the fault of the Massachusetts Democrat Party. Why blame democrats? Well, democrats control every single constitutional office from governor to state treasurer. […]

We Stand With Israel – No Ceasefire in Gaza ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-23)

We Stand With Israel – No Ceasefire in Gaza ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (11-23)

11-23 On October 7th, civilians from the terrorist held “Palestinian territories” in Israel invaded border communities, murdered the local police officers, blew up the local police stations, and then went house to house raping women, beheading babies and children, torturing and killing men, and taking hostages back to their terrorist enclaves in Gaza. The Arab-Muslim […]

Losing our Democracy at the Local Level ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (10-23)

Losing our Democracy at the Local Level ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (10-23)

10-23 With local elections coming up in Lawrence, Methuen, Haverhill, and other cities in the Merrimack Valley, election experts are predicting a very low voter turnout … again. That means the vast majority of registered voters don’t care enough about how their cities are run or who is going to run them. Not to mention […]

Haverhill City Council Admits Violating Open Meeting Law ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (8-23)

Haverhill City Council Admits Violating Open Meeting Law ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (8-23)

On June 17th, the Haverhill City Council violated the state’s open meeting law by secretly discussing, drafting, finalizing, signing, and circulating a letter declaring that racism is BAD – as if we are all so stupid that we really needed them to tell us that. What this was really about, was the city council capitalizing […]

Court Strikes Blow Against Public Boards Demanding “Civility” ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-23)

Court Strikes Blow Against Public Boards Demanding  “Civility” ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (7-23)

7-23 For decades, local city councils, boards of selectmen, and school committees have tried to silence criticism of their actions by instituting vague and interpretive “civility policies” whereby people are silenced at public participation whenever they try to call out the bad behavior of elected officials, or raise issues that political insiders are trying to […]

Hypocrisy in North Andover, Ignoring the “Health Experts” ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (06-23)

Hypocrisy in North Andover, Ignoring the “Health Experts” ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (06-23)

6-23 Last month, attendees at North Andover Town Meeting overwhelmingly voted to ban the use of plastic bags for all businesses in town over 3,000 sq. feet. When we say it was overwhelming, we mean the measure won by more than 90%. Citizen after citizen (many still wearing masks three years after COVID) took to […]

Woke Committee Attacks An Ethnic Minority in Andover ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-23)

Woke Committee Attacks An Ethnic Minority in Andover ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (5-23)

5-23 A mob of thousands, primarily white men, surrounded a jail in a southern city with calls for the death of 9 prisoners, 6 of which were just acquitted after a murder trial with 3 others receiving a mistrial. The mob included many notable citizens, with future mayors and governors among the crowd as they […]

MassFiscal Finally Comes Around on Democrat Auditor Diana DiZoglio ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (4-23)

MassFiscal Finally Comes Around on Democrat Auditor Diana DiZoglio  ~ VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (4-23)

04-23 Conservative fiscal watchdog group MassFiscal Alliance has not been kind to Massachusetts State Auditor Diana DiZoglio. They opposed her election to the legislature and the senate, as well as her successful state-wide run for Auditor last year. We have been trying to convince the partisans at MassFiscal for years that Diana DiZoglio is the […]

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