Unresolved Thyroid and Hashimoto’s

Unresolved Thyroid and Hashimoto’s

    By: Dr. Jin Sung – October, 2012 According to the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, more than 27 million Americans suffer from thyroid dysfunction, half of who go undiagnosed by conventional medicine. Of the detected cases of hypothyroidism, 90 percent are due to an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s disease, in which the immune […]

Not the Gay Teacher

Not the Gay Teacher

  By: Dani Langevin – Lesbian Columnist – October, 2012 Next year I’m going to demand that I don’t have any straight students in my classroom. I just want the gay ones. Straight students aren’t as good as gay students. I don’t care if the straight students are all excellent learners and lack any behavioral […]

Methuen H.S. Ranger Band to March in North Andover’s Santa Parade

Methuen H.S. Ranger Band to March in North Andover’s Santa Parade

  By: Tracey Zysk, October 5, 2012 The North Andover festival committee is pleased to announce that the Methuen High School Ranger Band will be performing in this year’s Santa Parade Saturday, November 24th Officer EJ Foulds, NAPD and festival committee parade organizer was thrilled to receive the call from Methuen. “This is such a […]

Democrats: Take Credit Where Credit is Due!

Democrats: Take Credit Where Credit is Due!

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL     In 2007, during George Bush’s term of office, the Democrats took over both houses of Congress controlling a majority in both chambers. On January 3, 2007, the day that happened, the Dow Jones averages closed at 12,621, the GDP for the previous quarter was up 3.5% over a year earlier […]

UMAS~ Lowell, Bully Emeritus (Opinion Column)

UMAS~ Lowell, Bully Emeritus (Opinion Column)

If you can’t beat them with ideas or logic, try slander!     By: Charles Ormsby, Professor UMASS~Lowell Last August I went to my mail box in the Mathematics Department at UMass Lowell (UML) and opened up the letter Letter1OConnor,   My initial reaction was a combination of amazement, pity, and laughter. Only after some reflection […]

The Choice is so Clear — I Can See Reagan from My House (Opinion)

The Choice is so Clear — I Can See Reagan from My House (Opinion)

By: Christine Morabito – September 7, 2012  Toastmasters must be having a field day. The “ums” and “ahs” liberally applied to President Obama’s debate rhetoric proved he is lost without his teleprompter. By contrast, during the first presidential debate, Mitt Romney appeared poised and confident, and projected a likeable image, very unlike the mean-spirited, out-of-touch […]

Senate Candidate Paul Magliochetti on WCAP’s Paying Attention

Senate Candidate Paul Magliochetti on WCAP’s Paying Attention

  HEAR THE INTERVIEW HERE Candidate for the 1st Essex Senate District, Paul Magliocchetti appeared on the Paying Attention! Radio Program on Saturday October 6, 2012 . Magliocchetti is running against Republican Saun Toohey, Democrat Kathleen O’Connor Ives, Independent Jim Kelcourse.  Magliocchetti talked about his plan to bring back manufacturing jobs to the Merrimack Valley, […]

Paying Attention! Radio, 9-22-12

Paying Attention! Radio, 9-22-12

HOUR 1: Click Here to Listen or Download  HOUR 2: Click Here to Listen or Download   Today Tom and Paul talked about the indictments of Willie Lantigua’s administration, some audio clips of Former Methuen Town Manager Bob Leblanc who is now a hack for Lantigua. LeBlanc has been appearing on other shows NOT disclosing […]

Nope, The Shriners Convention had Nothing on These Guys

Nope, The Shriners Convention had Nothing on These Guys

By: Jeff Katz – September, 2012 Every four years our political parties hold conventions for the purpose of writing a platform and nominating a couple of folks to lead the free world. In between those functions, we get to see a bunch of balloons and really silly hats and we are entertained with any number […]