An Update on the Groveland Bridge

  By: Joe D’Amore – July, 2012 As part of a new public access TV program called Groveland Chronicles I devoted a portion of the first episode to the building of the new bridge. I had the opportunity to interview Vince DeAngelo the Resident Engineer of the project and his supervisor David Conroy of the Mass. […]

Roberts Ruling Reflux: Tortured Logic

Roberts Ruling Reflux: Tortured Logic

By: Jeff Katz As I sit down to write this, it is a little more than one week since the Supreme Court of the United States handed down their decision on President Barack Obama’s “health care” law. It really is essential to place the words health care in quotes, since Obamacare has precious little to […]

Haverhill Board of Health Disgraces our Freedoms

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL    July, 2012 This month we had written a 500 word editorial on our views concerning the Haverhill Board of Health’s move to ban smoking in private clubs. But when Dracut Editorial Cartoonist David Sullivan submitted his work, we took one look at it and realized it made our point far better than […]

Gay Independence Day

Gay Independence Day

  By, Dani Langevin, Lesbian Columnist – July, 2012 This month, as we do every July here in America, we celebrate Independence Day. It is on this day over 230 years ago we declared our independence from an unjust government stating that we, as Americans, have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of […]

Why I am Running for State Representative

  By: Kevin Cuff – July, 2012 Nearly forty years ago, my family taught me the values of civic RESPONSIBILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. As a member of our hometown School Committee, my mother took positions that, at the time, were extremely controversial, challenging and polarizing. Her perseverance taught me that everyone including your established school systems […]

Are you Constipated?

Are you Constipated?

  Dr. Jin Sung – July, 2012 Constipation is a very common problem, but fortunately is one that can usually be easily remedied with lifestyle changes. Ironically, one of the biggest hindrances to your success may be not realizing you’re constipated in the first place. Conventional medicine typically defines constipation as fewer than two or […]

The Public Needs Watchdogs Not Lapdogs

The Public Needs Watchdogs Not Lapdogs

  By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party – June, 2012 Gone are the days when local newspapers did anything resembling in-depth investigative reporting. Whether the issue is lack of funding, under-staffing or in far too many cases, blatant political bias, it is the news-consuming, tax-paying citizens who are left unprotected. In essence, the mainstream media […]



VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL    June, 2012 Receiver Jeffrey Riley’s plan to improve the educational opportunities for the children of Lawrence contains a few ideas that, if fully exploited, may improve performance. That being said, the parents of Lawrence’s school children and the taxpayers that fund this educational debacle, were both left out of the process of creating this […]

Teacher Beast

  By: Dani Langevin – June, 2012 This has been a particularly difficult work year for me. It started off with me being taken away the very first day of the school year by ambulance because of heart arrhythmia. Everything checked out fine and I haven’t had another episode since. Two weeks later I missed […]

The Real War on Women

  By: Paul Murano – June, 2012 People feel most offended when they know deep in their heart something is true. Consider this point as you read this column. In the heat of a political year when Democrats concoct a war on women and Republicans deny it, we ask the question: Is there a war […]

The Road to Beacon Hill is Paved with Mediocre Intentions

  By: Karin Rhoton – June, 2012 Somehow the rhetoric never changes, even though the calendar does. Another year has gone by and still the taxpayers of Massachusetts continue to fund pet projects of politicians instead of funding services and programs for the communities in which they live. Still the taxpayers have not seen the […]