The Earth is But One Country

The Earth is But One Country

Ye Gay Old Valley  By: Dani Langevin, Lesbian Columnist May, 2012  “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.” This message struck me as simple and true, but one that is lost to present day greed and sectionalism. I am taking a course on the religions of the world and was introduced to […]

Thou Shalt Obey … Or Else

Thou Shalt Obey … Or Else

Thinking Outside the Box With Dr. Charles Ormsby   Dr. Charles Ormsby – May, 2012 “I was in a meeting once, and I gave an analogy to my staff about my philosophy of enforcement … how the Romans used to conquer little villages in the Mediterranean. They’d go into a little Turkish town somewhere, they’d […]

Disability for Criminals but not for the Disabled

Disability for Criminals but not for the Disabled

By: Jeff Katz – May, 2012 I’ve often shared the story of my daughter, Julia. My little princess is a beautiful girl who loves music, cookies, the ocean and summer breezes. She is nine years old and is just now learning to walk, small little Frankenstein like steps but steps none the less. We still […]

Tea Party Leaders Defends Gays, Boston News Media Buries Story

Tea Party Leaders Defends Gays, Boston News Media Buries Story

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL May-2012 Last month Christine Morabito, President of the Greater Boston Tea Party called into WCAP’s Paying Attention Radio Program (980AM) to talk about an explosive and divisive issue facing Tea Parties all over the country: anti-gay (and some would say homophobic) voices within the Tea Party itself. At issue was what Morabito […]

How Supermarkets Sabotage Dieters- Let's Talk About Food Addiction with Pennie Hale

By: Pennie Hale – April, 2012 Sabotage! Why is it that whenever you make it known to your family, friends and co-workers that you are dieting, they seem to want to contribute to your diet failure? I cannot count the number of times that I have been quietly eating my carefully planned, calorie-counted meal when […]

Pain Management at End-of-Life

By: Dr. Rami Rustum – April, 2012 Pain relief at the end of life is a top priority task for patients, family caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Failure to achieve such goal has enormous consequences with tremendous distress to patients, a sense of failure by family caregivers, and moral distress of professionals who understand that the […]

Beyond the Obamacare Debate

Beyond the Obamacare Debate

By: Christen Varley – April, 2012 I spent the better portion of last week reading, watching, and waiting for news from the Supreme Court. The hearings held to determine the constitutionality of the individual mandate, as well as the entirety of Obamacare, are over and we Americans must now wait for the verdict. I don’t […]

RIP Axel – Chelmsford K-9

By: Tracey Zysk – April 2012 On March 23, 2012 Chelmsford Police K-9 Axel took his final ride in his police cruiser. Axel, a 5yr old Czechoslovakian shepherd passed away from a strong fought battle with cancer. A couple of years ago I had the pleasure of interviewing Axel’s handler Officer David Leo. In that interview […]

Here’s A Guaranteed Fix for Lawrence Schools: The Children of Lawrence Deserve Real Reform

Here’s A Guaranteed Fix for Lawrence Schools:  The Children of Lawrence Deserve Real Reform

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX SIMPLE MATH Only 25 percent of Lawrence’s eighth grade students, based on MCAS test results, are proficient in mathematics. The percentage of proficient students increases to only 27 percent in tenth grade (winter 2011), but this can hardly be considered progress since there are roughly 12 percent fewer students remaining to […]

Can Hypoglycemia and Diabetes be Managed?

Lab testing ranges are EXTREMELY BROAD! By: Dr. Jin Sung – April, 2012 From a medical standpoint, normal blood glucose levels have a broad range of 70 to 105, while functional or optimal blood glucose level ranges are 85 to 99. According to the American Diabetic Association, a blood sugar level reading of 106 to […]

Mrs. Kennedy and the Politics of Anti-Catholic “Catholicism” – MORALITY MATTERS with Paul Murano

Mrs. Kennedy and the Politics of Anti-Catholic “Catholicism” – MORALITY MATTERS with Paul Murano

By: Paul Murano – April, 2012 Victoria Reggie Kennedy, wife of the late Senator Ted Kennedy, was slated to be the 2012 commencement speaker at Anna Maria College in Paxton, a Catholic college in the Diocese of Worcester. Her invitation was rescinded by the college last week when the bishop got wind of it. In […]

We are Lawrence?

We are Lawrence?

  By: Peter Larocque – April, 2012 The response to an article in March’s Boston Magazine entitled, “Lawrence, MA: City of the Damned” by city politicians and community activist young and old has me scratching my head. I do understand some of their reasoning, but in the end it is just more of the same, […]