It’s time to take out the meat cleaver!

It’s time to take out the meat cleaver!

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX     By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – January, 2011 Our current national debt exceeds $13.9 trillion and is increasing at nearly $2 million per minute. We are headed straight for the cliff at high speed. Life seems fairly normal now and it will continue to feel normal until we go over […]

Killing off Baby Jesus

  By: Kethleen LaPlante – December, 2010 That is what Christmas is about these days. Killing off and eliminating Baby Jesus from the Christmas season. It’s infanticide, of sorts. For example, Happy Holidays, Happy Hanukah and Season’s Greetings are okay, but Merry Christmas is out. Holiday Gathering and Tree Lighting Day are okay, but Christmas […]

Into the Harbor

Ye Gay Old Valley  By: Dani Langevin, Lesbian Columnist – December, 2010 I’ve been watching the Tea Party movement, well, not really. I’ve actually just been hearing about it, listening to the fact that it’s growing faster than a bald man’s hair plugs and had some sort of impact on the recent elections. I will […]

In this Holiday Season, Remember the empty seat…

By: Austin Roy, Teen Columnist – December, 2010 Remember this Christmas; When you’re eating your dinners, smiling and laughing, remember that somewhere, in another house there’s an empty chair where a hero should be sitting. Those Heroes gave up their life so you can sit with your family. So light a candle for the Heroes that […]

MA. and N.H. Educators Attend Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island

By: Tom Duggan – December, 2010 Forty educators from various public schools in Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire departed last month from Logan Airport under U.S. Marine escort and arrived at Beauford, South Carolina to attend Marine boot camp on Parris Island to observe and experience how the U.S. Government makes Marines. Two of the […]

Tomorrow’s Heroes: U.S. Marine Recruit Gallo of Pembroke, MA

An ongoing Series on Tomorrow’s Heroes:  Honoring Marine Recruits who Said: “Send Me” By: Tom Duggan – December, 2010   As a strong supporter of the military, I was honored when the local recruiter from my area, Sgt. Natasha Young asked if I would be interested in going to Parris Island, South Carolina and witness […]

Is Lawrence Really Ready?

Is Lawrence Really Ready?

  By; Robert O’Koniewski – December, 2010 Recently state treasurer-elect Steve Grossman was whining in the press about legislation his pal, U.S. Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), had filed to legalize on-line video poker across the country. Grossman’s gripe? Legalized on-line poker would hurt, allegedly, the Massachusetts state lottery’s revenues and the almost $900 […]