Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Just Look Locally at Lawrence and Listen Carefully for the Crickets By: Tom Duggan – March, 2012 In July of 2009 the Valley Patriot wrote an explosive story, publishing Documents that reveled operators at the City of Lawrence’s brand new $26 million water treatment facility had failed to test the city’s drinking water for a […]

Outsourcing Methuen City Services

  By: Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi – March, 2012 “With the City of Methuen in the middle of a battle over outsourcing the Information Technology Department (City Council rejected Mayor Zanni’s proposed privatization) former Mayor William Manzi offers a primer on privatizing municipal services, using the White Paper by Stephen Lisauskas and the Pioneer Institute […]

An Idea to Completely Restructure Taxation in MA

By: William Gunn – March 2013 I submitted a letter similar to the following to a Massachusetts State Legislator asking him to draft legislation that would eliminate the DOR and all income, sales and other taxes in the state to be replaced with a surcharge to every community based on property values. This would allow […]

Noose Tightens on Lantigua Admin

Feds Serve More Subpoenas in Corruption Probe By: Tom Duggan – March, 2012 Since the days of Willie Lantigua’s first campaign for state representative, The Valley Patriot has reported extensively on his failure to report campaign contributions, failure to declare campaign expenses and accepting illegal contributions such as cash, dollar amounts over the legal contribution […]

Lifting the Veil on Welfare Fraud

Lifting the Veil on Welfare Fraud

  By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party – February, 2012 If there is one thing Massachusetts excels at it is rewarding bad behavior. Exhibit A: the lack of oversight applied to entitlement programs. Take EBT cards. While in many cases these cards are used for their intended purpose, the system is a magnet for waste, fraud and abuse. One […]

Hoops Star Brewington, returns to help local kids

  By: Connie Benedetto – February, 2012 Dwight Brewington, a native of Lynn, MA, was born partially deaf. Yet, from a young age, after realizing his love and passion for basketball, he had to overcome people’s perceptions of his handicap and prove that he can compete at a high level. After high school, Brewington played […]

Identity Theft Crackdown Sweeps Across the Nation

Identity Theft Crackdown Sweeps Across the Nation

More than 200 Actions Taken in 23 States   (Boston) The Internal Revenue Service and the Justice Department today announced the results of a massive national sweep cracking down on suspected identity theft perpetrators as part of a stepped-up effort against refund fraud and identity theft. Working with the Justice Department’s Tax Division and local […]

N.E. Police Chiefs Association Endorses EZ-ID Bill

N.E. Police Chiefs Association Endorses EZ-ID Bill

February, 2012 BOSTON – The New England Association of Chiefs of Police (NEACOP) has unanimously endorsed the EZ-ID bill filed by Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) and co-sponsored by Senator John F. Keenan (D-Quincy) and Representative Anne M. Gobi (D-Spencer), joining a growing list of public safety organizations calling for the bill’s passage. Robert […]

Why Isn’t the Unemployment Rate Zero?

Why Isn’t the Unemployment Rate Zero?

… or, there goes the government screwing things up again! Thinking Outside the Box: by Charles Ormsby We are so used to hearing about the rate of unemployment that we have come to think that a significant percentage of the workforce (those who are able and desiring to work) being unemployed is normal. But it […]

U.S. Senator Scott Brown kicks off his re-election to “The People’s Seat”

U.S. Senator Scott Brown kicks off his re-election to “The People’s Seat”

Brown, the bridge builder vs.Warren, the rock thrower Brown Kicks off Reelection Campaign at Packed Worcester Venue   Cecilia P. Calabrese   On a cold January night in 2010 the Country’s political landscape changed forever with the election of Scott Brown (R-Wrentham) to the United States Senate.  Two years ago theCommonwealthofMassachusettsmade history having elected a […]