LEX LUTHOR’S BOOK REVIEWS – Collective Retribution by D.S. Edwards

LEX LUTHOR’S BOOK REVIEWS – Collective Retribution by D.S. Edwards

Collective Retribution, a new novel by D.S. Edwards, available on amazon.com and at CollectiveRetribution.com, is a fictional story of a future America that many people fear could happen if we don’t change the political tide. On the dust jacket of the book is a quote from Abraham Lincoln, which says “America will never be destroyed […]

I Don’t Want a Ceasefire In Gaza

I Don’t Want a Ceasefire In Gaza

By: Forest Rain in Tel Aviv August, 2014 Again we are hearing news of negotiations for a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel. The world media seems jubilant. I am not. I don’t want a ceasefire. I want peace. Real peace. A ceasefire means ceasing to fire. It makes no mention of putting down weapons, or […]

Who Has the REAL Koch Problem?

By: Christine Morabito – August, 2014 Psychiatry has a word for the practice of accusing others of something you yourself do. The word is “projection.” According to PsychologyDictionary.org, projection is a “defense mechanism whereby unenviable or unpleasant traits, impulses or ideas are attributed to another. In this way, the projector is able to avoid the […]

Solomon: Methuen to Use Shooter Detection Technology in Schools

Solomon: Methuen to Use Shooter Detection Technology in Schools

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2014 Methuen Police Chief Joe Solomon appeared on 980WCAP’s Paying Attention Radio Program earlier this month to reveal a new safety measure being implemented in the Methuen schools to increase response time and give police a tactical advantage when dealing with school shootings. Solomon has been the Chief of Police […]

Don’t blame Massachusetts for New Hampshire’s Leftward Drift

Don’t blame Massachusetts for New Hampshire’s Leftward Drift

By: DJ Bettencourt – July, 2014 In New Hampshire politics there is a widely held but grossly inaccurate myth. For Republican believers in the myth, it is a source of significant resentment. For Democrats who believe this myth, it instills confidence. For decades, New Hampshire was a reliably Republican state. From 1960 to 2000, New […]

What I have learned in my 44 years in Hypnosis – MIND OVER MATTER with JERRY VALLEY

What I have learned in my 44 years in Hypnosis – MIND OVER MATTER with JERRY VALLEY

By: Jerry Valley – July, 2014 When I read my first book about hypnosis, it was the great Ormond McGill’s “Encyclopedia of Stage Hypnotism.” It was on Labor Day 1969. At that time, I read the “Hands Clasp” script to my father in law and it did not work! That was OK and in November […]

MassFiscal Alliance & Other Groups Exploring Legal Challenge To $15,000 Union Donation Limit

MassFiscal Alliance & Other Groups Exploring Legal Challenge To $15,000 Union Donation Limit

Loopholes permits unions huge unfair advantage over individuals Boston, MA: good-government policies, and the Goldwater Institute, a public policy advocacy and research organization, announced today that they are further studying the next steps toward filing a lawsuit to challenge the legality of the Massachusetts campaign finance rule that allows unions to donate $15,000 in a […]

House Passes Law To Require Donor ID For Super PAC Campaign Contributions

House Passes Law To Require Donor ID For Super PAC Campaign Contributions

By: State Rep. Linda Dean Campbell The House of Representatives recently passed legislation that will substantially increase the disclosure of specific donors to Super Political Action Committees (PACs). This was a direct response to the ever increasing influence that ‘dark money’ or undisclosed contributions had in the most recent Boston Mayoral race, and the expectation […]

Can America Survive Obama’s Treason and the Treason of the Democrat Party?

Can America Survive Obama’s Treason and the Treason of the Democrat Party?

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – July, 2014 I’m no fan of our President. I’m sure that is clear to anyone who has been reading my articles since his election in 2008. Despite my disagreement with Obama on nearly every issue, I have tried to present a reasoned opposition and avoid excessively […]

Hampstead Academy, An Opportunity For Your Child to Succeed

Hampstead Academy, An Opportunity For Your Child to Succeed

By: Tom Duggan – July, 2014 The Hampstead Academy private grammar school in Hampstead, NH was first opened in 1978 as the Atkinson Learning Center and services kids from pre-K through 8th grade. The school is dedicated to teaching the “whole child”. The school’s founder Lyn Kutzelman says that the basic premise of Hampstead Academy […]

Secretary Galvin’s Law Breaking Cannot Be Tolerated Valley Patriot Editorial (July, 2014)

Secretary Galvin’s Law Breaking Cannot Be Tolerated Valley Patriot Editorial (July, 2014)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Four years ago our impotent Attorney General Martha Coakley prosecuted State Treasurer Tim Cahill for running state lottery commercials with our tax money while he was running for governor. State law prohibits elected officials from using tax dollars for advertising 60 days before an election if their name appears on the ballot. […]

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