Valley Patriot Editorial: Why Does Ed Markey Hate Women?

Valley Patriot Editorial: Why Does Ed Markey Hate Women?

We don’t know. Truth be told, we were stunned by the latest spate of TV commercials Markey and his advocates are running, which are highly insulting to women. Especially given that the media and the Democrat party have preached for three decades that Republicans represent “rich, old, white, men,” while Democrats represent young, energetic minorities […]

Common Core: Too Common for Our Kids

Common Core: Too Common for Our Kids

At the risk of sounding elitist, Massachusetts schools should not have to lower their exceptional education standards to be equal to other states. Alabama is a very nice place, but it does not necessarily share our educational requirements, especially if we hope to compete in the high tech and medical fields that attract students and […]

It’s Kitten Season!!

It’s Kitten Season!!

By: Crystal Galloway Arnott – May 2013 Shelter Manager, Lowell Humane Society Sure signs of spring have arrived, sunshine and blooming flowers, but for those of us in the animal sheltering field we have a different name for it: KITTEN SEASON. The usual reaction to kittens is a chorus of “awwws” and the fierce desire to snuggle […]

Former MassHealth CEO. Philip Poley Fined $25,000 for Conflict of Interest Law Violations

June 5, 2013  The Massachusetts State Ethics Commission has fined former Mass Health CEO Philip Poley for admitted to repeatedly violating Mass. General Law chapter. 268A, the conflict of interest law. Pursuant to the Agreement, Poley, a former Brookline resident, paid a $25,000 civil penalty pursuant to an agreement between Poley, a former Brookline resident and […]

30,000 Missing EBT Cards in MA, State Auditor Suzanne Bump on Waste Fraud and Abuse in the Massachusetts Welfare System

30,000 Missing EBT Cards in MA, State Auditor Suzanne Bump on Waste Fraud and Abuse in the Massachusetts Welfare System

 “They [DTA officials] should have realized this was a problem because, it had only been a couple of years before when they, in-fact, had employees who were taking blank cards, loading them with benefits and then using the cards themselves, or giving them to friends who were using them.”             […]

Nothing “Fair” About the Market Place Fairness Act

By: D.J. Bettencourt – May 2013 By any measure, the “Market Place Fairness Act” currently under consideration by Congress is terrible policy. However, its negative effect on New Hampshire and small business is particularly pronounced. The proposed legislation is an internet sales tax that seeks to force every on-line retailer with annual sales exceeding $1 […]

Lawrence’s Crayone on Forefront of Great Music, Raising Money for Charity

    LAWRENCE – Funusual Records is proud to release the Charity album ‘We Stand With You’ featuring 17 tracks. An album that features both local artists from around Massachusetts and artists of the ‘80s for a cause. With the tragedy that hit Boston recently, Funusual Records has decided to help those in need and […]

Rep. DiZoglio’s Campaign Finance Proposal Gets Early Hearing

    BOSTON – State Representative Diana Dizoglio (D) Methuen, got a hearing on her Campaign finance bill last week and is fighting hard to hold accountable those elected officials and candidates for office who refuse to follow file their campaign finance reports.  DiZoglio’s bill, House Bill 573, was addressed last Wednesday at a public […]

Free Breakfasts: Another Destructive Progressive Idea

Free Breakfasts: Another Destructive Progressive Idea

  By: Dennis Prager, May 07, 2013 The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) announced last week that it will discontinue the free school breakfast plan it initiated last year. Called “Food for Thought,” the plan provides school breakfasts to about 200,000 students. It was funded by the LAUSD and the nonprofit Los Angeles Fund […]

Once Moderate on Taxes, Campbell Now Sticks it to State Tax Payers

  By D.J. Deeb – May, 2013 After 10 hours of debate on the evening of Monday, April 8, 2013, the Massachusetts State House of Representatives voted 97-55 to increase the current 21-cent-per-gallon state gas tax by 3-cents to 24-cents-per-gallon in 2015 and further indexing it to inflation each year following resulting in further gas […]

New School Math: Spend $4M to Save $40k? Article 19 North Andover Town Meeting Vote Expected May 21

By: Clare Donegan NORTH ANDOVER: Town Meeting voters are considering a $4M expenditure involving 16 municipal buildings, including 8 schools. If the contract is awarded to AMERESCO the $40k study will be “free.”  Forty percent is allocated for “new energy management systems” that communicate using wireless microwave radiation. Why install expensive infrastructure, which increases security […]

GLCAC’s Head Start Wins Award for STEM Curriculum

The GLCAC’s Head Start program recently won recognition for its innovation and leadership in teaching science, technology, engineering and mathematics to preschoolers. In a ceremony attended by Lawrence Mayor William Lantigua, Lawrence Superintendent of Schools Jeffrey Riley, parents and GLCAC staff, three prize-winning teachers were honored for using bridges and statues to help preschoolers learn […]