The current state of activism in Lawrence

The current state of activism in Lawrence

  By: Joe D’Amore – June, 2012 The community action movements that swept Lawrence “It’s Your Right” and “Uniting Lawrence” appear to have initated derivative actions that speak to a yearning for change in this city. These have manifested themselves in unique ways such as a proliferation of Face Book groups, radio programs, letter writing […]

Moran Answers Tough Questions in Bid for State Rep.

Moran Answers Tough Questions in Bid for State Rep.

Will not commit to quitting council or stepping down as council President if he wins   By: Valley Patriot Staff – May, 2012 Lawrence City Council President Frank Moran is a candidate for State Representative in the 17th Essex District. The newly created rep. district was created by the state legislature last year as a […]

Methuen Family Restaurant- Keeping it in the (Growing) family

Methuen Family Restaurant- Keeping it in the (Growing) family

    By: Tom Duggan – May, 2012 Kostas and Angela Mitsopoulos bought Methuen Family Restaurant in February of 2006 after a fairy tale meeting and courtship that started the day they met in 2003, the day that Kostas Mitsopoulos Arrived in America. I was born here in the United States but went back to […]

Ask the Reverse Mortgage Guy

  By: Robert Irving – May, 2011 Celebrity TV Endorsements – Robert Wagner is back on TV in a toned down commercial for reverse mortgages; this time for Guardian First Funding Group out of New York and Philadelphia. According to an employment ad, this company operates a Call Center and hires telephone representatives as they […]

Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Just Look Locally at Lawrence and Listen Carefully for the Crickets By: Tom Duggan – March, 2012 In July of 2009 the Valley Patriot wrote an explosive story, publishing Documents that reveled operators at the City of Lawrence’s brand new $26 million water treatment facility had failed to test the city’s drinking water for a […]

Outsourcing Methuen City Services

  By: Methuen Mayor Bill Manzi – March, 2012 “With the City of Methuen in the middle of a battle over outsourcing the Information Technology Department (City Council rejected Mayor Zanni’s proposed privatization) former Mayor William Manzi offers a primer on privatizing municipal services, using the White Paper by Stephen Lisauskas and the Pioneer Institute […]

An Idea to Completely Restructure Taxation in MA

By: William Gunn – March 2013 I submitted a letter similar to the following to a Massachusetts State Legislator asking him to draft legislation that would eliminate the DOR and all income, sales and other taxes in the state to be replaced with a surcharge to every community based on property values. This would allow […]

Loving Life, Serving the Community Methuen City Councilor Jamie Atkinson

Loving Life, Serving the Community  Methuen City Councilor Jamie Atkinson

  By: Eva Montabello   When telling a story about “strength of spirit”, Methuen City Councilor Jamie Atkinson wholeheartedly embodies the statement. A lifetime of health hardships hasn’t stopped him from continuing to cross items off of his “bucket list”. From his recent election win to a Methuen City Council seat with a focus on […]

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