Jewish Film Festival Shows Movie Tribute to Yoni Netanyahu

Jewish Film Festival Shows Movie Tribute to Yoni Netanyahu

Last month the Merrimack Valley Jewish Federation held a Jewish Film Festival at Osgood Landing in North Andover, attracting more than 150 people from around the area. The film festival’s feature presentation “Follow Me, The “Yoni” Netanyahu Story,” left many in attendance with tears in their eyes as they left the theater at Osgood Landing. Yoni Netanyahu was the […]

Methuen Police Chief: Drug Dealers Invade Methuen

Methuen Police Chief: Drug Dealers Invade Methuen

Police Chief Joe Solomon Talks of Drugs, Politics and all those Lawsuits By: Tom Duggan, August 8, 2012 Methuen Police Chief, Joe Solomon, appeared on 980AM WCAP’s Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan last month where he revealed details about Methuen’s increasing crime problems, his recent court battles with the city, and the direction […]

Is Contraception Health Care?

Is Contraception Health Care?

By: Paul Murano Now that the Supreme Court has struck down the individual mandate as unconstitutional and in effect declared Obamacare to be the largest tax is U.S. History, the court may next focus on the related issue of whether or not religious institutions must violate their consciences to provide contraception and abortifacient drugs and […]

Are you Constipated?

Are you Constipated?

  Dr. Jin Sung – July, 2012 Constipation is a very common problem, but fortunately is one that can usually be easily remedied with lifestyle changes. Ironically, one of the biggest hindrances to your success may be not realizing you’re constipated in the first place. Conventional medicine typically defines constipation as fewer than two or […]

The Public Needs Watchdogs Not Lapdogs

The Public Needs Watchdogs Not Lapdogs

  By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party – June, 2012 Gone are the days when local newspapers did anything resembling in-depth investigative reporting. Whether the issue is lack of funding, under-staffing or in far too many cases, blatant political bias, it is the news-consuming, tax-paying citizens who are left unprotected. In essence, the mainstream media […]

It’s time for us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

It’s time for us to “Let the Mitt Hit the Fan”

  By: Jeff Katz – May, 2011 Sporting his best Brooks Brothers casual while serving up chicken chili in a barnyard, Willard Mitt Romney made it officially official the other day while visiting his home State of New Hampshire that he was once again running for President of the United States. This announcement was completely […]

The Earth is But One Country

The Earth is But One Country

Ye Gay Old Valley  By: Dani Langevin, Lesbian Columnist May, 2012  “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens.” This message struck me as simple and true, but one that is lost to present day greed and sectionalism. I am taking a course on the religions of the world and was introduced to […]

Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Who Really Cares About the Environment?

Just Look Locally at Lawrence and Listen Carefully for the Crickets By: Tom Duggan – March, 2012 In July of 2009 the Valley Patriot wrote an explosive story, publishing Documents that reveled operators at the City of Lawrence’s brand new $26 million water treatment facility had failed to test the city’s drinking water for a […]

Four Years and Counting!

Four Years and Counting!

PUPPY LOVE WITH KATE WHITNEY     By: Kate Whitney – December, 2011 This month celebrates my four year anniversary writing for this fantastic newspaper! First and foremost, I want to give a big thank you to Tom Duggan (editor of the Valley Patriot). Without the “VP”, there would be no Puppy Girl column. Tom […]

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

An Exclusive Interview with Newt Gingrich

Speaker Gingrich talks about The Border, EPA, Education and More   Tom Duggan, Christine Morabito, Justess Bowles November, 2011 The Valley Patriot was invited to sit with Former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Valley Patriot President Tom Duggan, Tea Party Columnist Christine Morabito and College student Justess Bowles sat with Speaker […]

Parents of Public School Children Beware!

Parents of Public School Children Beware!

Trasnformative Education – A Looming Disaster THINKING OUTSIDE the BOX! By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – October 2011 A Vision for                  Transformative Education (Taken from TransformEdu.Org Conference Proceedings) “These perceptions together form a vision of transformative education that is consolidated into the following interwoven aspects”: • Transformation is […]

Recall Begins Against Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua

Recall Begins Against Lawrence Mayor Willie Lantigua

  By: Tom Duggan – July, 2011   During the late 80’s, former Lawrence Mayor Kevin Sullivan tried to orchestrate a recall election against two members of the Lawrence School Committee who opposed his Emerson College relocation plan. That effort, backed with money, resources and the help of the daily newspaper, failed. In the early 90’s, former Lawrence Mayor Larry Lefebre lost a […]

Marine Recruiters Say They Get Shabby Treatment at High School

Marine Recruiters Say They Get Shabby Treatment at High School

Superintendent Reaches out to Marines, says they will be treated respectfully   By: Tom Duggan – June, 2011 Sgt Cardona the Marine Recruiter in Lawrence and a number of past recruiters have long complained that the faculty at North Andover High School are not only uncooperative when they enter the building to recruit, “but there’s […]

What is Truth

What is Truth

  By: Paul Murano – April, 2011 This month the world’s two billion Christians celebrate Easter, their biggest holiday of the year. I want to focus on three words posed as a question by Pontius Pilate just hours before the Easter resurrection event. According to historical records these three words make up the last question […]

The Campaign against “Secure Communities”

The Campaign against “Secure Communities”

  Opponents of Secure Communities Come Out in Full Force     By: Tom Duggan, Valley Patriot Publisher – April, 2011   A forum was held last month at Lawrence High School by the Deval Patrick administration. Governor Patrick wanted to get feedback from the public on a federal program that would allow police to […]