By: Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party – June, 2012 Gone are the days when local newspapers did anything resembling in-depth investigative reporting. Whether the issue is lack of funding, under-staffing or in far too many cases, blatant political bias, it is the news-consuming, tax-paying citizens who are left unprotected. In essence, the mainstream media […]
By: Christine Morabito, President Greater Boston Tea Party May, 2012 Growing pains are inevitable for any fledgling organization. The Tea Party in Massachusetts was stretched to its outer limits over the past few weeks as our focus and mission were put to the test. The Greater Boston Tea Party and other large Tea Party groups […]
VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL May-2012 Last month Christine Morabito, President of the Greater Boston Tea Party called into WCAP’s Paying Attention Radio Program (980AM) to talk about an explosive and divisive issue facing Tea Parties all over the country: anti-gay (and some would say homophobic) voices within the Tea Party itself. At issue was what Morabito […]
It’s time to stop circling the wagons and shooting IN Christine Morabito – April, 2012 The Tea Party’s relationship with U.S. Senator Scott Brown has been dysfunctional at best. In February, leaders from 7 Massachusetts Tea Parties sat down with Brown’s staff to establish an open dialogue and express concerns about his voting record. Despite […]
By: Christine Morabito, Gr. Boston Tea Party – January, 2012 The New Year brings a host of new challenges for the Tea Party in Massachusetts and for me personally. It is with a mixture of humility and pride that I have accepted a 2-year position as president of the Greater Boston Tea […]
By: Christine Morabito, December, 2011 What a sad day in this country when our capitalist system is equated with evil. With the emergence of the Occupy Wall Street movement, and the Obama administration urging them on, class warfare has pulled up an unwelcomed chair. Surely I am not the only one deeply disturbed by anarchists […]
By: Christine Morabito – November, 2011 It disappointed many conservatives when former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton announced he was not running for president. His invaluable foreign policy experience is sorely lacking in the current administration; and the world is taking notice. Obama is “the first president since Franklin Roosevelt, since Pearl Harbor, who doesn’t put protecting America’s security at the top of […]
By; Christine Morabito, Greater Boston Tea Party- October, 2011 In previous columns I exposed the lies and treachery that preceded the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the law we affectionately call Obamacare. Since there is virtually nothing worth saving from this piece of legislative malpractice, a powerful movement is underway to repeal and replace it. […]
By; Christine Morabito – September, 2011 The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the greatest swindle ever imposed on the American people. The very mandate that President Obama vigorously campaigned against when Hilary Clinton proposed it, became his prized piece of legislation, made possible, in part, by following lies: LIE: THE UK AND […]
By Christine Morabito – August, 2011 On March 23, 2010 President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the most far-reaching piece of legislation ever concocted. With the budget crisis taking center stage, we can lose sight of the danger looming just around the corner—the full implementation of Obamacare in 2014. […]
by Christine Morabito (July, 2011) Senator Marco Rubio’s office has a message for the Tea Party: “Stay active and stay engaged.” This was just one of the many statements of support received by a delegation of Massachusetts Tea Party members during a recent visit to Washington. Our goal was to meet with influential legislators and […]
By: Christine Morabito (June, 2011) Merrimack Valley Tea Party After we elected our first black president, I recall Rush Limbaugh correcting a caller who predicted that henceforth, liberals would finally stop playing the race card. Rush disagreed, arguing that race relations would worsen, not improve. In Limbaugh’s opinion, you would now be unable […]
By: Christine Morabito – May, 2011 Massachusetts Tea Party groups celebrated Tax Day with events designed to celebrate their unsung hero–the taxpayer. Events began on April 15 with the third annual Tax Day Tea Party rally on the Boston Common where special guest Governor Tim Pawlenty drew about 500 people. Just after the rally began […]
By: Christine Morabito – May, 2011 Massachusetts Tea Party groups celebrated Tax Day with events designed to celebrate their unsung hero–the taxpayer. Events began on April 15 with the third annual Tax Day Tea Party rally on the Boston Common where special guest Governor Tim Pawlenty drew about 500 people. Just after the rally […]
By: Christine Morabito – April, 2011 The giant CITGO sign looming over Fenway Park is one of the most recognized landmarks in Boston. But what it symbolizes is as controversial as when the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees. We have all seen the Citizens Energy commercials where former Congressman Joseph Kennedy […]