Ethics Commission: Former Chelmsford Planning Board Member Richard McClure Guilty of Violating Conflict of Interest Law

 Acted as attorney for clients in two lawsuits in which the Town of Chelmsford was a party  The Massachusetts Ethics Commission issued a Decision and Order  finding that former Chelmsford Planning Board member Richard McClure  violated section 17(c) of Massachusetts General Law c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by representing clients in two separate […]

The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, August 24, 2013

  LISTEN TO HOUR ONE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) LISTEN TO HOUR TWO (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) LISTEN TO HOUR THREE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) Today Tom and Paul talked about Barry Nolan and Tennis Lilly and why some liberals are reasonable and others are just too crazy to talk to, What ever happened to […]

Case Against Former Lawrence Teacher Algird Sunskis Dismissed by Ethics Commission

Commission Cites Impounded Report that Deems Sunskis “not appropriate for prosecution.” The Massachusetts Ethics Commission says they cannot prove that Al Sinskis violated G.L. c. 268A, the conflict of interest law, by paying kickbacks on three occasions to Lawrence Public School (“LPS”) employees to obtain LPS contracts. One of the contracts involved the alleged fraudulent sale of […]

Anyone But Mayor Willie Lantigua

By: Peter Larocque – August, 2013 When I get into discussions concerning the election for Mayor in The Great City of Lawrence, far too many times I hear, “anybody but Willie!” Unfortunately, “anybody but Willie” will not be on the ballot. “Anybody but Willie” is not a candidate! Yes, I understand the frustration among the […]

The Paying Attention! Radio Program with Tom Duggan, August 17, 2013

LISTEN TO HOUR ONE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) LISTEN TO HOUR TWO (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) LISTEN TO HOUR THREE (RIGHT CLICK TO DOWNLOAD) Today Tom and Paul talked about Forgeries on Mayor Lantigua’s nomination papers, Tom interviewed Mayoral Candidate Marcos Devers and asked him about Lantigua’s failures, corruption and shenanigans and why he should […]

Adventures in Lawrence Election Fraud

By: Kathy Runge – August, 2013 Anyone familiar with the city of Lawrence is aware of the lax record keeping and controls in various city departments, i.e. city garages and Inspectional Services to name two. Does anyone believe it’s any better in the Elections Department? Let me share my findings. I’ve been writing programs to […]

Devers Says Lantigua an Embarassment, Promises to Reopen Fire Stations, Change Lawrence’s Image

By: Tom Duggan – August 13, 2013 State Representative Marcos Devers says he wants to be the next mayor of Lawrence and given the chance, will start to reverse what says are the “failures” of the current Mayor Willie Lantigua. “I am running against him because we are disappointed, everybody is disappointed,” Devers told the […]

Detroit, USA: A Monument to Democrat Policies

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Dr. Chuck Ormsby – July 2013 Detroit has imploded. Like the giant oak whose innards were consumed by thousands of termites, Detroit has finally collapsed. Its productive core can no longer support its own weight. The Democrat Party and its allies in big-government unions should be congratulated. Their criminal thievery, […]

Parole Officers who Freed Cop Killer Reinstated: Valley Patriot August, 2013 Editorial

Parole Officers who Freed Cop Killer Reinstated: Valley Patriot August, 2013 Editorial

Valley Patriot August ’13 Editorial It’s simply sickening. An arbitrator has reinstated two of the parole officials responsible for the release of cop killer Dominic Cinelli. At this point we believe everyone who contributed to the release of Cinelli should be purged from the public payrolls. If that can’t be done these individuals need to […]

State Police Officer Commits Suicide After Being Suspended Pending Criminal Investigation

BREAKING…. Tom Duggan – July 30, 2013                                 (OTHER PUBLIC SAFETY STORIES) A Massachusetts State Trooper who committed Suicide yesterday was under investigation for criminal activity while on duty Saturday night. He was relieved of duty pending the investigation and […]

North Andover Businessman Says Billerica Fire Hydrant Bid Tailored to Limit Competition, Says Restrictions will Cost Town Additional $24K

By: Tom Duggan – July 26, 2013 Billerica DPW director Abdul Alkhatib says there are no shenanigans going on with his town’s public bid to purchase fire hydrants. He told the Valley Patriot that the public bids requests by the town were not tailored to favor (a) certain large American company, but a Valley Patriot […]

Legislative Spotlight – Brian S. Dempsey by Stephanie M. Davis

By: Stephanie M. Davis – July, 2013 The FY2014 budget ball now sits in Governor Deval Patrick’s court. Having been finalized and reported out of its legislative conference committee on June 30th, the governor has 10 days to approve or veto it either partially or entirely or to amend it in portions. A veto can […]

Senator Kathleen Ives on Welfare Reform Bill

By: Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives BOSTON – Following a press conference that Senate President Therese Murray held Monday morning, the Senate is due to take up a comprehensive welfare reform bill on Thursday aimed at making state assistance transitional. The bill addresses cyclical issues that prevent recipients from transitioning off of welfare as well as […]

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