Caring for elderly loved ones with disease

  By: Teri Mercier – September, 2010 Taking care of an elderly loved one is no easy task. When disease is involved, it becomes even more challenging. People who care for an elderly loved one make up almost one quarter of adults in most states in America, and the numbers are growing. Family caregivers provide […]

On Fibromyalgia …

On Fibromyalgia …

“I hurts all over and I feel tired the whole day!”   By: Dr. Rami Rustim – August, 2010 This is the usual statement heard from any patient suffering from fibromyalgia. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by widespread pain in the muscles, ligaments and tendons, as well as fatigue and multiple tender points. The […]

The Government Healthcare Tar Baby (Opinion)

The Government Healthcare Tar Baby (Opinion)

THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX By: Charles Ormsby – September, 2009 Having consulted with their constituents over the August recess, our elected representatives will be heading back to Washington fully intending to ignore what they were told. Their meetings with voters ranged from respectful (Niki Tsongas) to downright contemptuous (Barney Frank) to non-existent (John Tierney). Presumably, […]

Tsongas reintroduces legislation to improve the quality of veterans’ health care

From the Desk of Congressman Niki Tsongas By: Congressman Niki Tsongas – January 12, 2009    WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Niki Tsongas today reintroduced two bills to address and improve the quality and continuum of mental health care available to veterans. Recognizing the sharp increase in post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health wounds […]

At 31, Breast Cancer survivor inspires councilor

May, 6, 2008 METHUEN – “We love her. We want to adopt her and take care of her, (and give her) anything she needs.”  These are the words of Methuen City Councilor Debbie Quinn and Methuen Fire Department and Veterans Affair employee Dottie Avery when speaking of Riverbank Vice President and Branch Manager Veronica Calixto. […]

Sex assault lawsuit filed against local hospital

  By: Tom Duggan – February 2, 2008 Imagine that you have been voluntarily admitted to the hospital to recover from an illness or injury and another patient sexually attacks you while you are trying to recover.  According to a patient’s complaint (name withheld), that is exactly what happened to her after being admitted to […]

Bank Pulls Funding on Monarch After Bogus Asbestos Story Appears in Tribune

Bank Pulls Funding on Monarch After Bogus Asbestos Story Appears in Tribune

Eagle~Tribune Hit Piece Costs Ansin $40 Million PART 1   WEB EXTRA   By: Tom Duggan  (09/20/07)  An Exclusive Interview with Bob Ansin (Part 1)  Sustainable developer Bob Ansin has pumped $25 million dollars of his own money into the Monarch on the Merrimack project (MIRACLE ON MERRIMACK ST) to revitalize the old Wood Mill on […]

Sex Ed Reform

Sex Ed Reform

What Does Your Fifth Grader Know About AIDS? February, 2006 Does your fifth grader know about AIDS? Does your fifth grader know of the “myths of AIDS”? Do you want your fifth grader being taught about AIDS in school?  Many parents in North Andover this week are asking themselves these same questions after their children […]

The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

The United Nations-United for What? – THINKING OUTSIDE THE BOX

By: Dr. Charles Ormsby – December, 2004  I became hooked on politics in High School in the early ‘60s. My favorite bumper sticker was in support of Communist China. It read: “Admit Red China to the U.N. – Give Them Our Seat”. I’d suggest such a trade today, but I think every despotic regime is […]

The Key to Abortion and Stem Cell Ethics: Fetal Viability

The Key to Abortion and Stem Cell Ethics: Fetal Viability

  By: Dr. Chuck Ormsby – September, 2004 Few topics are as emotionally laden as the issue of abortion. Such emotion often spills over to discussions (typically yelling matches) of the embryonic stem cell issue. Politicians see this as fertile territory for demagoguery and they attempt to take full advantage of the opportunity. It is […]

MEDIA WATCH SPECIAL ~ Bush Funded Stem Cell Research

MEDIA WATCH SPECIAL ~ Bush Funded Stem Cell Research

The Democrat Media Lie that Bush “Banned” Stem Cell Research  September 2004 Reading the headlines in the major newspapers one definitely gets the impression that President George W. Bush has banned stem cell research. Claims by presidential candidate John Kerry that President Bush is “ignoring science” in “his ban on stem cell research”, and claims […]

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