February, 2014 Valley Patriot, Edition 124 – TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN


Highlights from 2013: A Year in the Massachusetts State Senate – IN YOUR CORNER WITH KATY IVES

By: Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives – January, 204 A year ago I was sworn in as the State Senator of the First Essex District, representing the communities of Amesbury, Haverhill, Merrimac, Methuen, Newburyport, North Andover and Salisbury. It has been a very busy and productive year, during which I have advocated for initiatives that have […]

January 2014 Valley Patriot Edition #123 – A NEW DAY IN LAWRENCE, Maloney to be Fired

January 2014 Valley Patriot Edition #123 – A NEW DAY IN LAWRENCE, Maloney to be Fired


The challenge of Growing Wages, Jobs and our Small Business Economy – IN YOUR CORNER with Senator Ives

The challenge of Growing Wages, Jobs and our Small Business Economy –  IN YOUR CORNER with Senator Ives

By: Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives – December, 2013 At the end of this year’s legislative session, the Senate took up a bill to increase Massachusetts’ minimum wage rate from the current $8.00/hr. to $9.00 in 2014, with automatic increases to $10 in 2015 and $11 in 2016. These increases would also be tied to the […]

An Accounting of Your Tax Dollars in Georgetown -Spending on Absent Teachers Nearly Exceeds Fire Dept. Outlays

  By: Lonnie Brennan – November, 2013 According to the 2012 Georgetown earnings records, recently obtained by The Valley Patriot, the Georgetown School Department spent $331,585.09 on substitute teachers in 2012, just $6,892.13 less than it spent on its entire fire and ambulance salary outlays for the year. The records revealed that 106 individuals received […]

UPDATED: Senator Tarr on Puppy Doe Case – Inspires ‘PAWS Act’ – Legilsation Will Create Animal Abuser Registry

UPDATED: Senator Tarr on Puppy Doe Case – Inspires ‘PAWS Act’ – Legilsation Will Create Animal Abuser Registry

Senate Republicans Fight for Animal Cruelty Law October, 2013 | Updated 10-28-013 Massachusetts State Senate Minority Leader Bruce Tarr (R-Gloucester) released the following statement today, following the arrest of 32-year-old Radoslaw Czerkawski on multiple charges of animal cruelty in connection with the infamous “Puppy Doe” case:  “The prosecutors and the police in this case deserve […]

Senator Ives: We Can’t Lose Our Water Independence

By: State Senator Kathleen Ives (D) Newburyport October, 2013 Last week, I gave testimony before the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture in support of two important pieces of legislation before the committee. I spoke in support of House Bill 695, “An Act Preventing the Disposal of Hydraulic Fracturing Wastewater” and House Bill […]

Saving Supermom

By: Cheryl Hajjar – October 2013 Having it all. That quintessential line brought on by the feminist movement that has been driven in every young girl’s mind including myself over the last 25 years. Lucky us. In today’s world, there are many more opportunities for women than ever before in history and we as women […]

K of C Building Damage, Fall Events – Georgetown Today with Lonnie Brennan

K of C Building Damage, Fall Events – Georgetown Today with Lonnie Brennan

By: Lonnie Brennan – September, 2013 “It’s more than just a building,” Past Grand Knight Bert Hanlon said as we were cleaning out some of the tables and chairs and scattered items from the Knights building on Main Street, “it’s been a resource to so many groups.” The Knights of Columbus building on Main Street […]

Responding to the Overuse of Psychotropic Drugs for Seniors

By: State Senator Kathleen O’Connor Ives, September, 2013 In 2007 a federal audit found that about one in seven elderly residents were being given antipsychotic medication in nursing homes despite the fact that those drugs carry a “black box” warning from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). A “black box” warning is designed to call […]

59 Legislators Vote for Gas Tax Hike Have Taxpayers Pick Up Their Gas Tab!

Boston, MA: As taxpayers across the Commonwealth begin to feel the effects of new and higher taxes today, public records show that many of the legislators who voted to implement these higher taxes, such as the one on gasoline, are also benefiting from taxpayer funded reimbursements for when they travel to the Statehouse. Per diems […]