Thank You to All our BASH Sponsors!

Thank You to All our BASH Sponsors!

Last month, The Valley Patriot held our 11th Anniversary BASH at the Firefighters Relief’s In in Lawrence. As we celebrate our amazing success over 11 years we would be remiss if we didn’t thank our sponsors, readers, advertisers and those who donated to our raffles. This was our biggest and most successful BASH ever and […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – Mayor Fiorentini Must Act Now on Police Station Mold (2-15)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – Mayor Fiorentini Must Act Now on Police Station Mold (2-15)

It seems hard to believe. Since before the Haverhill Police Station was even occupied, concerns were raised about mold and mildew due to substandard construction work. That was in 1999. Today, 16 years later, Haverhill police officers and the civilians who work in that building continue to work in an unsafe environment. We readily concede […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ Lantigua Still Controls the Lawrence City Council (Jan. 2015)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL ~ Lantigua Still Controls the Lawrence City Council (Jan. 2015)

With all of the problems facing the City of Lawrence, the city council is focusing their efforts on protecting political hacks in city hall and attacking Mayor Dan Rivera. Last month, the council considered a vote of “no confidence” in Mayor Rivera claiming he is playing politics with his firing of Lantigua appointees. The narrative […]

Anti-Police Hysteria, Media Lies: The Lesson of Ferguson – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL 12-14

Anti-Police Hysteria, Media Lies: The Lesson of Ferguson – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL 12-14

Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson fought off his would-be killer Michael Brown, who attacked him in his cruiser, tried to shoot Wilson with his own gun, and eventually was killed when charging at the officer. That is what the science says. Forensic evidence shows Michael Brown’s blood was inside the front seat of Officer Wilson’s […]

Corruption Must be Baker’s First Priority – Valley Patriot Editorial (11-14)

Corruption Must be Baker’s First Priority – Valley Patriot Editorial (11-14)

Massachusetts Governor-elect Charlie Baker has a tough job ahead of him. We believe Baker must identify and address the rampant corruption epidemic plaguing the state before he can adequately tackle the budget deficit left by tax and spend Democrat Deval Patrick, the incompetence at DCF, a Parole Board out of control, an EBT welfare program […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (10/14) The Gas Tax Lie, Vote Yes on Question #1

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (10/14) The Gas Tax Lie, Vote Yes on Question #1

Question #1 on the November ballot asks voters to overturn the legislature’s cowardly move to perpetually raise the gas tax without ever having to take another vote or be held accountable to the taxpayers. A YES vote on Question #1 would repeal the legislature’s action and stop the automatic gas tax hikes. According to the […]

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (9-14) – Who Were the Real Racists in Ferguson?

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL (9-14) – Who Were the Real Racists in Ferguson?

September, 2104 In Ferguson, MO a white police officer shot a black man named Michael Brown six times, killing him after a confrontation that resulted from Brown’s strong arm robbery of a cigar store. With no other evidence available, many among the black population of Ferguson took to the streets to loot, riot and commit […]

Secretary Galvin’s Law Breaking Cannot Be Tolerated Valley Patriot Editorial (July, 2014)

Secretary Galvin’s Law Breaking Cannot Be Tolerated Valley Patriot Editorial (July, 2014)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL Four years ago our impotent Attorney General Martha Coakley prosecuted State Treasurer Tim Cahill for running state lottery commercials with our tax money while he was running for governor. State law prohibits elected officials from using tax dollars for advertising 60 days before an election if their name appears on the ballot. […]

Six Years Later Obama is “Transforming America” ~ Valley Patriot Editorial

Six Years Later Obama is “Transforming America” ~ Valley Patriot Editorial

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – JUNE – 2014   It seems like there is a new scandal every single day highlighting the neglect, incompetence or corruption in the Obama Administration. The Obama-lead IRS targeted people for their political beliefs to get revenge for opposing Obama’s politics. They purposely targeted conservative activists in a move that would […]

Cutting Fire Protection in Lawrence is not the Answer: Valley Patriot Editorial, May-2014

Cutting Fire Protection in Lawrence is not the Answer: Valley Patriot Editorial, May-2014

Lawrence Mayor Dan Rivera has come into office with a great deal of good will from the public and the media. He has made some critical moves in his first few months to make Lawrence’s city government more efficient. We applaud that. But, Rivera recently cut fire protection in Lawrence, temporarily closing stations and shutting […]

With Lenny Degnan Convicted We Urge More Indictments ~ Valley Patriot Editorial (April, 2014)

With Lenny Degnan Convicted We Urge More Indictments ~  Valley Patriot Editorial (April, 2014)

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL For years we have called for investigations into what State Rep. Jim Lyons called the “criminal enterprise” of the Lantigua Administration in Lawrence. For years we have detailed in this newspaper the myriad of questionable and sometimes blatant criminal actions of those on the taxpayers dime at Lawrence City Hall. Now, Lantigua’s […]

FOUR Welcome Additions to our Stacked Lineup of Writing Talent

FOUR Welcome Additions to our Stacked Lineup of Writing Talent

Valley Patriot Editorial March, 2014 – As we celebrate our tenth anniversary, we are happy to announce some exciting additions to our Valley Patriot lineup, starting with former Eagle Tribune publisher Al Getler. Yes, that’s what we said … Al Getler. Given that publisher Tom Duggan has been somewhat abrasive in his criticism of Getler’s […]

No More State Secrets, We Demand Transparency! – VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL – FEBRUARY, 2014

  FEBRUARY, 2014 Welcome to People’s Republic of Massachusetts. Last month the Valley Patriot contacted the Secretary of State’s Office in search of the statewide voting list. The list is a compilation of the voting lists of each city and town in Massachusetts and is in the hands of Secretary of State Bill Galvin’s office. […]

Three Suggestions For Lawrence’s New Mayor Dan Rivera, First Hire Back Tom Sapienza

Three Suggestions For Lawrence’s New Mayor Dan Rivera, First Hire Back Tom Sapienza

VALLEY PATRIOT EDITORIAL JANUARY 2014 Earlier this month former Lawrence City Councilor Dan Rivera was sworn in as Lawrence’s new mayor after defeating the once-thought unbeatable, William Lantigua by 82 votes. We know all too well the problems Lawrence faces and the long road ahead of Mayor Rivera just to get the city to stop […]

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